Articles by tag: development
Title Authors Year
Pompilian O. , Dinca P. , Burducea I. , Baiasu F. , Staicu C. 2023
Modan E. , Cursaru L. , Piticescu R. , Negrea D. , Moga S. , Ducu C. 2023
Zaharioiu A. , Bucura F. , Constantinescu M. , Petreanu I. , Marin F. , Popescu D. , Sandru C. , Ionete E. , Oancea S. , Ionete R. 2021
Iordache M. , Zgavarogea R. , Iordache A. , Constantinescu M. , Bucura F. , Ionete R. , Grigorescu R. , Nechita C. 2021
Bogdan C. , Brill C. , Sirosh O. , Vijulie M. , Lazăr A. 2021
6 Influence of anthropogenic activity to the macronutrient loading in water and soil – Case study of industrial area
Iordache M. , Sandru C. , Miricioiu M. , Nechita C. , Ionete R. , Botoran O. 2020
7 2H-Ne-He as the Working Fluid Components In Cryogenic Systems
Kutsko A. , Rozhentsev A. , Dalakov P. , Bohn M. 2020
8 The Role of Risk Analysis in Control of Complex Plants' Safety Operation
Dumitrescu M. , Preda I. , Ionete R. , Carcadea E. 1999
9 The Polluting Effects of the Ultrasounds Propagation in the Water and of the Shockwave Due to the Underwater Explosive
Diaconu M. , Chiru C. , Camburu L. , Blidea L. 2002
10 The Use of Dose Constraints Concept
Dina D. , Andrei V. , Glodeanu F. , Goicea A. 2003
11  Energetica nucleara romaneasca in contextul dezvoltarii durabile
Rotaru I. , Bilegan I. 2003
12 Thin Plates Plastic Deformated by Impulsive Loads
Roşca A. 2004
13 Endurance Test for SCK-CEN Catalytic Mixed Packing, Proposed for Water Detritiation System at JET
Ionita G. , Bornea A. , Braet J. , Popescu I. , Stefanescu I. , Varlam C. , Bidica N. , Postolache C. , Matei L. 2004
14 Cryogenic Distillation Development for ITER
Cristescu I. , Cristescu I. , Glugla M. 2005
15 Development of ITER PRM and Standard Parts Catalogues in Catia V5 for Tritium-Containing Systems and Components
Lazar A. , Brad S. , Zamfirache M. , Soare S. , Sofalca N. , Vijulie M. 2006
16 Integrated Network of Control, for Technological Processes Applicable to Tritium Processing Plants, with Data Base and Processes Analysis
Moraru C. , Stefan I. , Balteanu O. , Stefan L. , Bucur C. 2006
17 Acquisition System for the Liquid Helium L5 Plant
Brad S. , Vijulie M. , Lazar A. , Gherghinescu S. 2006
18 Materials Demands for Hydrogen Storage
David E. , Stanciu V. , Armeanu A. , Sandru C. 2006
19 Testing System for a Fuel Cells Stack
Culcer M. , Iliescu M. , Stefanescu I. , Raceanu M. , Enache A. , Lazar R. 2006
20 The Recovery Factors Analysis of the Human Errors for Research Reactors
Farcasiu M. , Nitoi M. , Apostol M. , Turcu I. , Florescu G. 2006
21 Numerical Methods for Non-Reversible Process in Condenser, Applicable to Hydrogen Isotopes Separation System
Gherghinescu S. 2007
22 Development of a Deuterium Separation Factors in Palladium-Hydrogen Systems Measurement Method in Order to Evaluate the Tritium Separation
Iliescu M. , Culcer M. , Raceanu M. , Enache A. , Stefanescu I. 2007
23 Determination of Carbon Oxides Levels with Two Techniques, Mass Spectrometry and Gas Chromatography
Florescu D. , Saros G. 2007
24 Processes Analyses of the Cryogenic Pilot Plant with the New and Improvement Software Monitoring System in LabView 8
Moraru C. , Stefan I. , Balteanu O. , Stefan L. , Bucur C. , Bornea A. , Stefanescu I. 2007
25 PEM Fuel Cell Design and Manufacturing in ICIT-Rm. Valcea
Patularu L. , Ebrasu D. , Stefanescu I. , Ionete R. , Culcer M. , Stanciu V. , Carcadea E. , Mirica D. , Rasoi G. 2007
26 Development of the Neutron Filters for Jet Gamma-Ray Cameras
Soare S. , Curuia M. , Kiptily V. , Murari A. , Prior P. , Zoita V. , Anghel M. , Bonheure G. , Constantin M. , David E. , Edlington T. , Griph S. , Le Guern F. , Krivchenkov Y. , Popovichev S. , Riccardo V. , Syme B. , Thompson V. , contributors J. 2007
27 Developments in the Configuration of the Data Acquisition System for Cryogenic Process Analyses with Labview 8
Moraru C. , Stefan I. , Bucur C. , Balteanu O. , Bornea A. , Stefan L. , Stefanescu I. 2008
28 Chromatografic Determination of Some Secondary Metabolites in Drosera Sp
Niculescu V. , Paun N. , Tamaian R. 2009
29 Determination of Trace Elements in Ambient Particulate Matter by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
Geana E. , Iordache A. , Culea M. 2009
30 Life Quality and Human Ecology - Interferences in Academic Education and in Scientific Research
Stefanescu I. , Iorga-Simăn I. , Săvoiu G. , Manea C. 2009
31 Obtaining and Chemical Activation of Biomass Chars to Increase Their Capacity for CO2 Capture
David E. , Preda S. , Ducu C. 2009
32 Water Detritiation Activities at ICSI Rm. Valcea
Zamfirache M. , Bornea A. , Stefanescu I. , Stefan L. , Lazar A. , Cristescu I. 2009
33 Radioactive Waste Treatment Strategy in Poland – A Contribution of Research Performed at Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology
Zakrzewska-Trznadel G. 2009
34 Trend and Abatement Scenarios for Criterria Pollutants Concentrations in Ramnicu Valcea Industrial Periurban Area
Dragomir A. , Zisu D. , Mocioaca G. , Zaplaic M. , Iliescu M. , Culcer M. 2010
35 Development of the Membrane Permeator for Hydrogen Production to ICIT - Rm. Valcea
Iordache I. , Raceanu M. , Curuia M. , Cho J. 2010
36 Modified Gas Diffusion Layer for Fuel Cells Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Ablation
Ebrașu D. , Dorcioman G. , Enculescu I. , Serban N. , Axente E. , Sima F. , Ristoscu C. , Mihailescu I. , Stefanescu I. 2010
37 Computational Model for the Tritium Inventory Management in a Nuclear Plant
Zamfirache M. , Bornea A. , Stefanescu I. , Stefan L. , Bidica N. , Vasut F. , David C. 2010
38 New Solutions for Renewable Energy from the Sun
Niculescu V. , Anghel M. 2010
39 Design and R&D Activities Under Development in TRIPLA-CA Consortium in Support of ITER Tritium Plant Construction
Cristescu I. 2010
40 Opportunities of Exploatation of the Living Resource
Ursache C. 2011
41 Progress of International Consortium on Nuclear Hydrogen Production with the Cu-Cl Cycle
Zamfirescu C. , Naterer G. , Dincer I. 2011
42 An Overview of the Synthesis, Characterization Techniques and Applications of Silica Mesoporous Materials
Niculescu V. , Ene R. , Parvulescu V. 2011
43 Mathematical Modelling of Steam Methane Reforming in a Membrane Reactor - Preliminary Results
Carcadea E. , Varlam M. , Stefanescu I. , Tanislav V. , Ene H. , Nicolescu B. 2011
44 Theoretical and Experimental Research of the Overlap Effects in the Quadrupole Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Hydrogen Isotopes Mixtures
Stefanescu A. , Bidica N. , Bornea A. , Cristescu I. , Varlam M. , Stefanescu I. 2011
45 An Overview of Analytical Techniques for Petroleum Hydrocarbons Chemical Fingerprinting
Geana E. , Dinca O. , Costinel D. , Ionete R. , Popescu R. 2012
46 Compound-Specific Carbon Isotope Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using Gas Chromatography Combustion Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry GC/C-IRMS
Costinel D. , Geana I. , Ionete R. , Dinca O. 2012
47 Physicochemical and Microbiological Characteristics of Brancoveanu, Gura Minei and Ocnita Lakes, as Repre-Sentative for the Lacustrine Complex from Ocna Sibiului
Bociu D. , Lengyel E. , Ionete R. 2012
48 Research Program of ICIT on Tritium Field as Support for Fusion Program
Zamfirache M. , Bornea A. , Stefanescu I. , Varlam C. , Bidica N. 2012
49 Development of Complex Bipolar Plates for Increased PEMFC Stack Power
Patularu L. , Schitea D. , Varlam M. , Ion-Ebrasu D. , Crăciunescu A. 2013
50 Hydrogen and Fuel Cell R&D Programs and Projects in Romania Between 2000 and 2012
Iordache I. , Rizoiu A. , Balan M. 2013
51 Development of a Tritium Recovery System from Candu Tritium Removal Facility
Drăghia M. , Porcariu F. , Paşca G. 2013
52 Development of an Experimental Model Based Simulation on Nanostructurated Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage
Iordache I. , Rasoi G. , Anghel V. 2013
53 Development of a Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table (PIRT) Fire Scenario Evaluation for the EPS (Emergency Power System) Zone of a Candu-6 Nuclear Power Plant
Maxim A. , Branzeu N. , Prisecaru I. 2013
54 PEMFC Short Stack Development at ICSI Ramnicu Valcea, from Sketch to Applications
Patularu L. , Schitea D. , Enache S. , Varlam M. , Ion-Ebrasu D. , Carcadea E. , Marinoiu A. , Rasoi G. , Crăciunescu A. 2014
55 Spectrophotometric Techniques Used for Monitoring Food Additives – An Overview
Niculescu V. , Geana E. , Paun N. , Ionete R. , Stegarus D. 2014
56 Research on Non Steady State of Catalytic Isotopic Exchange Installation
Bornea A. , Zamfirache M. 2014
57 Efficient Methods for Flue Gas Heat Recovery and Conversion Into Electricity
Gherghinescu S. , Ciocan A. , Carcadea E. , Ebrașu D. 2014
58 Romania’s Participation to Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking Projects and Calls
Iordache I. , Schitea D. , Buga M. , Balan M. 2014
59 The Ventilation Concept for Passive House Buildings
Iloaie F. 2015
60 Iodine Doped Graphene Synthesis Via a Facile Electrophilic Substitution. High Performance as Orr Electrocatalyst for PEMFC
Marinoiu A. , Carcadea E. , Petreanu I. , Marin E. , Sucea B. , Soare A. , Raceanu M. 2016
61 3-D graphene growth by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) for energy applications
Ion-Ebrasu D. , Andrei R. , Enache A. , Enache S. , Soare A. , Carcadea E. , Varlam M. 2020
62 Development of one-step method for synthesis of gold supported on reduced graphene oxide
Marinoiu A. , Vasut F. , Oubraham A. , Andrei R. , Vagner I. , Soare A. , Capris C. , Carcadea E. 2018
63 LaCoO3 perovskite-type oxide: Synthesis and charcterization towards practical applications
Dragan M. , Enache S. , Soare A. , Petrov K. , Varlam M. 2018
64 Phosphorus removal from wastewater in the presence of mesoporous materials
Niculescu V. , Iordache M. , Miricioiu M. , Asimopolos L. 2018
65 Main contribution of “G” Plant to developing of romanian technology for heavy water production
Ioniţă G. 2018
66 Behind the practical challenges of lithium-ion cell manufacturing process at ROM-EST
Buga M. , Ene F. , Chitu A. , Rizoiu A. , Balan M. 2017
67 Study of s-CNTs and PANI/CNTs nanocomposites for gas sensors development
Spiridon Ș. , Ionete E. , Monea B. , Bădiţă I. 2017
68 Facile synthesis of well dispersed au nanoparticles on reduced graphene oxide
Marinoiu A. , Jianu C. , Cobzaru C. , Raceanu M. , Capris C. , Soare A. , Petreanu I. , Carcadea E. 2017
69 Assessment of the groundwater characteristics around a metallurgical manufacturing plant
Sandru C. , David E. 2017
70 Two different approaches for performance evaluation of catalytic packing
Bornea A. , Zamfirache M. , Stefanescu I. , Stefan L. 2017