2007, Volume 10, Issue 19+20
Determination of Carbon Oxides Levels with Two Techniques, Mass Spectrometry and Gas Chromatography
National Institute of Cryogenics & Isotopic Technologies, Rm. Valcea
*Corresponding author: Diana Florescu, e-mail: diana@icsi.ro
Published: October 2007Abstract
Monitoring of air quality must take an essential place in the environment monitoring system, atmosphere represent the proper environment to spread the pollutants.In this paper, we presents a study about atmospherically pollutants levels, with two techniques of analyses mass spectrometry and gas chromatography, and we also present the influents of those in environmental and the minimization of pollution. These two laboratories make an inter comparison, and they are located in the National Institute R&D for Isotopic Separation and Cryogenic Technology – ICIT Rm. Valcea, Department of Research and Development.
Carbon oxides, mass spectrometry, gas chromatography.
Tag search Carbon oxides mass spectrometry gas chromatography


ISSN 1582-2575
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