Progress of Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation , ISSN: 1582-2575
2007, Volume 10, Issue 19+20

Development of a Deuterium Separation Factors in Palladium-Hydrogen Systems Measurement Method in Order to Evaluate the Tritium Separation

Mariana Iliescu * , Mihai Culcer , Mircea Raceanu , Adrian Enache , Ioan Stefanescu

National Institute of Cryogenics & Isotopic Technologies, Rm. Valcea

*Corresponding author: Mariana Iliescu, e-mail:

Published: October 2007


The paper deals whit a method and an experimental assembly accomplished in order to investigate hydrogen- deuterium separation factor on Palladium-hydrogen system over a wider range of temperatures and compositions, covering the b phase (hydrided Palladium- no dissolved hydrogen, only combined hydrogen).


Palladium- hydrogen system, thermodynamic isotope effect, separation factor, thermistor, thermal conductivity.

Tag search Palladium- hydrogen system thermodynamic isotope effect separation factor thermistor thermal conductivity