2009, Volume 12, Issue 23+24
Water Detritiation Activities at ICSI Rm. Valcea
1 National Institute for Research and Development for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies - ICIT Rm. Valcea, Uzinei Street no. 4, P.O. Box Raureni 7, 240050, Ramnicu Valcea, Romania
2 Forshungszentrum Karlsruhe - Tritium Laboratory, Germany
*Corresponding author: Marius Zamfirache, e-mail: marius.zamfirache@icsi.ro
Published: June 2009Abstract
Development of a water detritiation system, configuration and design of critical components is essential for installations which process tritiated water (heavy water or light water). The nuclear power plants which use CANDU reactors need to have a tritium removal facility with the aim to lower the tritium concentration in the plant systems and to maintain it at (or below) the acceptable levels.
Within ICIT there is a pilot plant for tritium and deuterium separation, which has as main purpose the elaboration of tritium separation technique from heavy water used in moderator of CANDU nuclear reactors and to certify the equipments specific for cryogenic domain and tritiated mediums.
This work is focused on the presentation of ICIT research activities related to water detritiation technologies and also to the applicability to a romanian nuclear power plant Cernavoda.
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