2011, Volume 14, Issue 2
Opportunities of Exploatation of the Living Resource
I.N.C.D.M. "Grigore Antipa" Constanta, Romania
*Corresponding author: Cornel Ursache, E-mail: ursache@alpha.rmri.ro
Published: October 2011Abstract
The spontaneously developing epibiota in the Black Sea consists of organisms crowds (uni/pluricellular algae, protosoa, briosoa, molluscs, crustaceans etc.), which during their juvenile stages get fixed on the rigid surfaces in the water (natural or artificial), where their whole life cycle will unfold. The qualitative and quantitative structure of this epibiota differs depending on the existent environment conditions, but generally the bivalve molluscs prevail, with over 80% from the total biomass.
A modern and efficient technology for obtaining the marine epibiota in the Romanian costal area of the Black Sea is by arranging in the littoral sector, between the 10 – 15 m isobaths, of marine equipments – floating installations – capable to maintain in the water masses some suitable artificial supports, destined for the epibiont organisms to fix and grow.
In the Romanian Black Sea coast specific environment conditions, the marine epibiont organisms have an explosive development so they realise average biomasses of 6 – 8 kg of living biological material / m⊃2; on the support and ensure the obtain of a total biomass of approx. 3t / installation / culture cycle.
Due to the biodiversity of the organisms in the marine epibiota (approx. 30 species) it has a complex biochemical composition, comparable with the products of animal origin and a superior composition concerning essential bioactive compounds, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and hormones, which can be valued in breeding animals, both in fresh and processed state.
The marine epibiota producing technology offers the possibility to obtain some substantially profits by using the so far unexploited marine surfaces and constitutes an ecological method, destined to improve the quality of the marine waters in the touristy areas by increasing the quantity of the epibiont biofilters.
Marine epibiota, uni/pluricellular algae, protosoa, briosoa, molluscs, crustaceans, bivalve mollusks, floating installations.
Tag search Marine epibiota unipluricellular algae protosoa briosoa molluscs crustaceans bivalve mollusks floating installations


ISSN 1582-2575
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