Progress of Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation , ISSN: 1582-2575
2003, Volume 6, Issue 11+12

The Use of Dose Constraints Concept

Dumitru Dina * , Veronica Andrei , Florin Glodeanu , Andrei Goicea

SN Nuclearelectrica SA, Bucuresti

*Corresponding author: Dumitru Dina, e-mail

Published: October 2003


The 1990 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP Publication 60) explicitly introduced the concept of “dose constraints” within the context of optimization of protection. The concept was not new and the meaning of its introduction was an attempt to consolidate and rationalize various concepts already existing in the ICRP guidance.

In Romania the Order of National Commission for Control of Nuclear Activities - CNCAN no. 14/2000, for approval of the Fundamental Regulations for Radiological Safety, may impose the use of dose constraints for practices or for specific radiation sources inside the practices when required. Dose constraints would be used like upper bound in radioprotection optimization.

The use of dose constraints is not an easy task because the understanding and interpretation of its meaning and application in the regulatory and operational practice is still under development. For operation of Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant - Unit 1 as well as in the implementation of the new Interim Spent Fuel Dry Storage Facility project the dose constraints concept was used in the licensing process. On this basis the authorized dose limit and legal dose limit concepts became clearer and would be used within the documents.



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