Articles by tag: Metal
Title Authors Year
Paun N. , Niculescu V. , Zgavarogea R. , Badea S. , Iordache A. 2024
Sandru C. , Constantinescu M. , Bucura F. , Botoran O. , Ionete R. , Roman A. , Marin F. , Soare A. , Niculescu V. , Zaharioiu A. 2024
Iordache A. , Voica C. , Nechita C. , Grigorescu R. , Zgavarogea R. , Paun N. 2024
4 Composite Carbon - Copper with High Selectivity for Oxigen Removal
David E. , Stanciu V. , Stefanescu D. 1999
5 Designing Methods of Cryogenic Regenerations for Gas High Purifications
Bornea A. , Cristescu I. , Peculea M. 1999
6 Composites Obtained from Magnesium Clusters and Zeolite 4A
David E. , Talaie A. 2000
7 Experimental Study Concerning Fullerenes C60 Synthesis by Arc Discharge of Graphite
Stoenescu D. , Stanciu V. , Stefanescu D. , Mirica D. , Curuia M. , Sandru C. , Predoi S. 2001
8 Filtrarea în gradient înalt de câmp magnetic aplicata la depoluarea gazelor industriale
Iacob G. , Chiriac H. , Herea D. , Curuia M. , Iliescu M. , Stefanescu I. 2002
9 Experimental Study About Hydrogen Isotopes Storage on Titanium Bed
Vasut F. , Zamfirache M. , Bornea A. , Pearsica C. , Bidica N. 2002
10 New Improved Counter-Current Multi-Stage Centrifugal Extractor for Solvent Extraction Proces
Ionita G. , Kitamoto A. , Mirica D. , Croitoru C. , Stefanescu I. , Retegan T. 2003
11 Surface Modification of Polymers for Adhesive Bonding
David E. , Lazar A. , Armeanu A. 2003
12 Toughness Stand Modifications, Design for the Sample Specific Polystyrene Foam Like a Thermal Protection Envelope
Brad S. , Vijulie M. , Gherghinescu S. , Dragoiu C. , Lazar A. 2004
13 Underwater Local Dry Welding in Gas Protective Medium
Diaconu M. , Parvu M. , Cantaragiu M. 2004
14 Particle Size Distribution Function of Supported Gold Catalysts by X-Ray Diffraction
Ducu C. , Malinovschi V. , Lazar M. , Aldea N. , Barz B. , Almasan V. , Stefanescu I. , Iosub I. , Marginean P. 2005
15 Comparative Study About Hydrogen Sorption in Sponge and Powder Titanium
Vasut F. , Preda A. , Zamfirache M. , Ducu C. , Malinovschi V. 2005
16 Studies on Tritium Permeation Into Various Materials as a Function of Gas Composition, Partial Pressure and Temperature
Brad S. , Stefanescu I. , Stefan L. , Lazar A. , Vijulie M. , Sofilca N. , Bornea A. , Vasut F. , Zamfirache M. , Bidica N. , Postolache C. , Matei L. 2005
17 Corrosion Resistance of Titanium and Some Ternary Titanium Alloys in Acid Environments from Chemical Industry
Popa M. , Stefanescu I. , Vasilescu E. , Drob P. , Samtana Lopez A. , Mirza Rosca J. , Vasilescu C. 2005
18 Characterization of Oxide Layers on Nuclear Structural Materials by X-Ray Diffraction and Electrochemical Techniques
Malinovschi V. , Ducu C. , Stefanescu I. , Fulger M. 2006
19 Mechanical and Structural Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steel Used in Nuclear Reactors. The Effect of Helium at Low Temperature
Brad S. , Ducu C. , Malinovschi V. , Stefanescu I. 2006
20 Materials Demands for Hydrogen Storage
David E. , Stanciu V. , Armeanu A. , Sandru C. 2006
21 Characteristics Improvement of Hydrophobic Polytrafluroethylene – Platinum Catalysts for Tritium Separation
Popescu I. , Ionita G. , Dobrinescu D. , Varlam C. , Stefanescu I. , Ducu C. 2007
22 Proposal for Platinum Hydrophobic Catalyst for Hydrogen Isotopes Separation from Nuclear Efluents
Vagner I. , Ionita G. , Varlam C. , Stefanescu I. 2008
23 Quantitative Analysis and Metalic Coating Thickness Measurements by X-Ray Fluorescence
Negrea D. , Ducu C. , Malinovschi V. , Moga S. , Boicea N. 2009
24 Modified Gas Diffusion Layer for Fuel Cells Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Ablation
Ebrașu D. , Dorcioman G. , Enculescu I. , Serban N. , Axente E. , Sima F. , Ristoscu C. , Mihailescu I. , Stefanescu I. 2010
25 The Reducing Emissions of Gases with Greenhouse Effect Using the Metallic Catalysts Supported. Production Technology, Preparation, Physical and Chemical Characterization
Constantinescu M. , Bucura F. 2010
26 Influence of Mn Substitution with Fe/Co on Magnetic Structure and Transport Mechanisms in Some Manganites
Craus M. , Simkin V. , Cornei N. , Dobrea V. 2010
27 The Optimization of the Method for Metals Content Determination in Romanian Wines by ICP-MS After Microwave Mineralization
Iordache A. , Geana I. , Ionete R. , Culea M. 2010
28 The Primary Romanian Radon Standard, a Common Project: IFIN-HH, Bucharest; ICSI, Rm.Valcea; ISP, Timisoara; CEA/LNE-LNHB, Saclay (France)
Sahagia M. , Luca A. , Wätjen A. , Antohe A. , Ivan C. , Stanga D. , Varlam C. , Faurescu I. , Toro L. , Noditi M. , Cassette P. 2010
29 Fuel Gas from Biomass Wastes Gasification in a Free-Fall Reactor
David E. , Preda S. , Ducu C. 2010
30 MN Substitution Effect on the Structural and Magnetic Properties in La0.54Ho0.11Sr0.35Mn1-xVxO3 Manganites
Craus M. , Simkin V. , Cornei N. , Dobrea V. 2010
31 Metal Content and Isotopic Characterization of Archaeological Samples. 
Voica C. , Dehelean A. , Maxim Z. 2010
32 Mesoporous SBA-15 Supported Platinum Catalysts for Alcohols Oxidation
Niculescu V. , Ene R. , Iordache I. , Parvulescu V. 2011
33 Prediction the Necking Location in Metal Uniaxial Deformation by Using Thermovision
Roşca A. , Roşca D. 2011
34 Studies on the Important Polluants of Wastewater from Textile Industry
Sandru C. , David E. , Bucura F. , Constantinescu M. 2012
35 Variation of the Olt River Quality Into the Industrial Complex Area of Ramnicu Valcea
Iordache M. , Branzoi I. , Iordache I. , Popescu L. , Taralunga M. 2012
36 The Hazardous Substance Environmental Impact in the Industrial Area of Rm. Valcea
Iordache M. , Branzoi I. , Iordache I. , Dobre N. , Totea G. 2012
37 Hybrid Materials Obtained by Nickel Immobilization on Mesoporous MCM-41 and Their Application in Alcohols Oxidation
Niculescu V. , Ene R. , Iordache I. , Parvulescu V. 2012
38 Mechanical Behavior of Recoverable Dental Re-Cast Alloys
Roşca A. , Roşca D. 2013
39 The Role Assessment of the Catalysts Based on Metal Oxides in the Waste Biomass Gasification Process
David E. , Preda S. , Armeanu A. , Sandru C. , Mocanu D. 2013
40 Advanced IR-NDT Methods for Thermal Balances of Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Column
Gherghinescu S. , Popescu G. , Spiridon . 2013
41 Development of an Experimental Model Based Simulation on Nanostructurated Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage
Iordache I. , Rasoi G. , Anghel V. 2013
42 The Application of Pollution Indexes in the Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in Sediments
Iordache M. , Popescu L. , Iordache I. 2014
43 The Assessment of Heavy Metals Content in Soil Samples Taken from the Vicinity of Thermal Power Plants
Sandru C. , David E. 2014
44 Contamination Levels with Some Heavy Metals of the Danube River Sediments Near the Cernavoda Area
Sandru C. , David E. 2015
45 Study of Inconel 718 Alloy Tested by Heat-Cycling
Velciu L. , Meleg T. , Panţîru M. , Petrescu D. , Florea V. 2016
46 Obtaining of Spatial Formations Fullerenes Type, Made Up of Carbon Atoms, by Applying Discharges Pulsed Electric Process - EDI - Over Metallic Surfaces, with Graphite Cathode
Marin L. , Topala P. 2016
47 Iodine Doped Graphene Synthesis Via a Facile Electrophilic Substitution. High Performance as Orr Electrocatalyst for PEMFC
Marinoiu A. , Carcadea E. , Petreanu I. , Marin E. , Sucea B. , Soare A. , Raceanu M. 2016
48 Macro- and Microelements as Possible Markers of Quality and Authenticity for Fruits and Derived Products
Ionete R. , Dinca O. , Geana E. , Costinel D. 2016
49 The Removal of Heavy Metals Using the Bulk Liquid Membrane Technique
Mirea C. , Diaconu I. , Ruse E. , Serban E. , Clej D. , Popa G. , Popa (Enache) D. , Nechifor G. 2016
50 Synthesis and Characterization of Iodine Doped Graphene by an Uncatalyzed Reaction
Marinoiu A. , Carcadea E. , Petreanu I. , Marin E. , Sucea B. , Soare A. 2016
51 Distribution of heavy metals in water and sediments from lakes of the Olt watershed
Sandru C. , Iordache M. , Radulescu A. , Zgavarogea R. , Ionete R. 2019
52 Cyclic voltammetry as a tool for model testing – investigation method for noble metal catalyst’s durability
Sisu C. , Andrei R. , Marinoiu A. , Sandru C. , Constantinescu M. , Petreanu I. , Carcadea E. 2018
53 Development of one-step method for synthesis of gold supported on reduced graphene oxide
Marinoiu A. , Vasut F. , Oubraham A. , Andrei R. , Vagner I. , Soare A. , Capris C. , Carcadea E. 2018
54 LaCoO3 perovskite-type oxide: Synthesis and charcterization towards practical applications
Dragan M. , Enache S. , Soare A. , Petrov K. , Varlam M. 2018
55 Phosphorus removal from wastewater in the presence of mesoporous materials
Niculescu V. , Iordache M. , Miricioiu M. , Asimopolos L. 2018
56 Assessment of heavy metal sludge quality in a municipal wastewater treatment plant
Sandru C. , Iordache M. , Radulescu A. , Ionete R. 2018
57 Obtaining of fuel gas from catalytic conversion of residual biomass
David E. , Armeanu A. , Sandru C. , Niculescu V. 2018
58 Some issues in modelling of competing permeation of hydrogen isotopes through metals - A review
Bidica N. 2018
59 Assessment of the groundwater characteristics around a metallurgical manufacturing plant
Sandru C. , David E. 2017