Progress of Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation , ISSN: 1582-2575
2013, Volume 16, Issue 1

Advanced IR-NDT Methods for Thermal Balances of Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Column

Sorin Gherghinescu * , Gheorghe Popescu , Ștefan-Ionuţ Spiridon

National Research and Development Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies - ICSI Rm. Valcea, Uzinei Street no. 4, PO Box Râureni 7, 240050, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania

*Corresponding author: Sorin Gherghinescu, E-mail:

Publishing: May 2013


IR-NDT (Infrared Thermography for Non-Destructive Testing) is a real time modular nondestructive investigation system that uses active thermography. The possibility of applying these methods in TRF Ramnicu Valcea is constantly expanding due to the experimental nature of the system and also because of thermal gradients existence in different structures that must be isolated. IR-NDT is ideal for thermal applications for metal body parts (exchange column, heat exchangers, condensers) of the isotopic exchange module and insulation (mineral textures). The system modularity allows a high degree of flexibility, the only change in most cases requires adapted excitation source. The source changes highly influences the precision in possible defects determination. IR thermographic method combines all the techniques of nondestructive testing (TSA, Lockin, Pulse, Transient VibroTermography) and also a wide range of excitation sources (optical, ultrasonic, eddy currents, microwaves). The result is a thermal image of potential defects at the surface or inside the material. Basically this is the only method that allows viewing certain types of defects in structures such as welding, flanges, gaskets, insulation. The analysis of IR-NDT system is designed to perform all NDT testing by active thermography, regardless of the method and excitation source used for any type of material. IR-NDT equipment controls the hardware and provides thermographic image acquisition in real time. Through a series of algorithms, various thermal imaging and highlight structural defects within the material can be evaluated.

Thermographic determinations for isotopic exchange column and condenser unit have been performed during an experimental campaign for catalytic performance determination of the isotopic exchange packing.


IR-NDT, infrared thermography, thermal gradient.

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