2002, Volume 5, Issue 9+10
Filtrarea în gradient înalt de câmp magnetic aplicata la depoluarea gazelor industriale
1 Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Tehnica – IFT Iasi
2 Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Tehnologii Criogenice si Izotopice – ICSI Rm. Vâlcea
*Corresponding author: Ioan Stefanescu, e-mail: istef@icsi.ro
Published: October 2002Abstract
The residual gases from the primary and secondary ferrous metallurgy contain a large amount (up to 85%) of fine solid particles with strong magnetic properties (particles of iron or iron oxides) or their association with non-magnetic particles. Due to the prevailing magnetic character of these particles, the high gradient magnetic filtration (HGMF) makes possible their capture and retention with a very high efficiency. Considerations are made on the HGMF technique and on the parameters influencing the filtration efficiency: the magnetic field intensity, the gas velocity through the ferromagnetic matrix, the packing factor, the average wire size, the matrix length etc. A model of HGMF filter destined to industrial gas purification is presented. The model conceived according to an original technical solution consists of three components: the wire ferromagnetic matrix, the magnetic field source and the return magnetic circuit. The model testing has shown that the filtration efficiency is almost 100 % at a gas yield of 1100 l/h and a maximum gas velocity of 34.72 cm/s. The high gradient magnetic filtration can represent in certain cases an alternative for a residual gas depollution, more efficient than the present conventional methods.
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