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Niculescu V. , Soare A. , Petreanu I. |
2024 |
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Bidica N. , Ghimiş N. |
2022 |
3 |
Bogdan C. , Brill C. , Sirosh O. , Vijulie M. , Lazăr A. |
2021 |
4 |
Evaluari de importanta in analiza nivelului de risc pentru instalatiile industriale
Dumitrescu M. , Lazar R. , Preda I. , Croitoru C. |
1998 |
5 |
The Role of Risk Analysis in Control of Complex Plants' Safety Operation
Dumitrescu M. , Preda I. , Ionete R. , Carcadea E. |
1999 |
6 |
Data Acquisition System for Radio-Frequency Measurement of Tow-Phase Hydrogen Flow
Brad S. , Balteanu O. , Retevoi C. , Stefan L. , Filippov Y. |
2000 |
7 |
New Improved Counter-Current Multi-Stage Centrifugal Extractor for Solvent Extraction Proces
Ionita G. , Kitamoto A. , Mirica D. , Croitoru C. , Stefanescu I. , Retegan T. |
2003 |
8 |
Emploi des alliages à mémoire de forme. Dimensionnement de l’élément actif
Degeratu S. , Bîzdoacă N. , Degeratu V. |
2003 |
9 |
Nouveaux Procédés de Dépôt Chimiques en Phase de Vapeur CVD de TiO2 pour l'application photo-catalytique
Costinel D. , Maury F. , Gleizes A. , Duminica D. |
2004 |
10 |
Nitric Oxide Reduction by Carbon Monoxide over Supportes Cobalt-Palladium Catalyst
David E. , Stanciu V. , Armeanu A. , Sandru C. |
2004 |
11 |
Comparative Study About Hydrogen Sorption in Sponge and Powder Titanium
Vasut F. , Preda A. , Zamfirache M. , Ducu C. , Malinovschi V. |
2005 |
12 |
Development of ITER PRM and Standard Parts Catalogues in Catia V5 for Tritium-Containing Systems and Components
Lazar A. , Brad S. , Zamfirache M. , Soare S. , Sofalca N. , Vijulie M. |
2006 |
13 |
Computational Model of a PEM Fuel Cell with Serpentine Gas Flow Channels
Carcadea E. , Stefanescu I. , Ene H. , Ingham D. , Lazar R. |
2006 |
14 |
Testing System for a Fuel Cells Stack
Culcer M. , Iliescu M. , Stefanescu I. , Raceanu M. , Enache A. , Lazar R. |
2006 |
15 |
Hydrogen Production from H2S in Black Sea and Industrial Waters Using Green Energy
Petrov K. , Popov A. , Dimitrov P. , Baykara S. , Ebrasu D. , Stanciu V. , Stefanescu I. , Gulin M. , Veziroglu A. |
2007 |
16 |
Processes Analyses of the Cryogenic Pilot Plant with the New and Improvement Software Monitoring System in LabView 8
Moraru C. , Stefan I. , Balteanu O. , Stefan L. , Bucur C. , Bornea A. , Stefanescu I. |
2007 |
17 |
PEM Fuel Cell Design and Manufacturing in ICIT-Rm. Valcea
Patularu L. , Ebrasu D. , Stefanescu I. , Ionete R. , Culcer M. , Stanciu V. , Carcadea E. , Mirica D. , Rasoi G. |
2007 |
18 |
Characteristics Improvement of Hydrophobic Polytrafluroethylene – Platinum Catalysts for Tritium Separation
Popescu I. , Ionita G. , Dobrinescu D. , Varlam C. , Stefanescu I. , Ducu C. |
2007 |
19 |
Proposal for Platinum Hydrophobic Catalyst for Hydrogen Isotopes Separation from Nuclear Efluents
Vagner I. , Ionita G. , Varlam C. , Stefanescu I. |
2008 |
20 |
Physical Properties in Re-(Fe,Ni)4Sb12 Nano-Structurated Skutterudite
Bogdan D. , Soare A. , Varlam C. , Stefanescu I. |
2009 |
21 |
Multilayer Insulation with Applications in Cryogenic Equipments
Gherghinescu S. , Popescu G. , Ionete E. , Costescu A. , Spanulescu S. |
2009 |
22 |
Radioactive Waste Treatment Strategy in Poland – A Contribution of Research Performed at Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology
Zakrzewska-Trznadel G. |
2009 |
23 |
Development of the Membrane Permeator for Hydrogen Production to ICIT - Rm. Valcea
Iordache I. , Raceanu M. , Curuia M. , Cho J. |
2010 |
24 |
Some Aspects Related to the High Performance in Gamma Spectrometry
Vieru G. , Mihaiu R. , Nistor V. |
2010 |
25 |
Thermovision Applications in Food Industry
Roşca A. , Roşca D. |
2011 |
26 |
An Overview of the Synthesis, Characterization Techniques and Applications of Silica Mesoporous Materials
Niculescu V. , Ene R. , Parvulescu V. |
2011 |
27 |
Influence of Operating Parameters on the Electrical Performance of PEM Fuel Cells
Patularu L. , Craciunescu A. , Rasoi G. , Varlam M. , Ebrașu D. , Raceanu M. |
2011 |
28 |
Performance Tests on the Adsorption Systems for Redesign and Functioning in New Operating Conditions
Gherghinescu S. , Popescu G. , Vacaru M. |
2011 |
29 |
Magnetic Properties and Transport Characteristics of La0.5Pr0.2Pb0.3-xSrxMnO3 Manganites
Craus M. , Simkin V. , Cornei N. |
2013 |
30 |
Advanced IR-NDT Methods for Thermal Balances of Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Column
Gherghinescu S. , Popescu G. , Spiridon . |
2013 |
31 |
Study on Fluid Flow in a Hydrocyclone Installation, Type Using Numerical Simulation
Iorga-Simăn V. , Ducu C. , Stefanescu I. |
2013 |
32 |
Development of an Experimental Model Based Simulation on Nanostructurated Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage
Iordache I. , Rasoi G. , Anghel V. |
2013 |
33 |
Potential Studies of Ultrasounds Effects in Fuel Cells
Schitea D. , Amza G. , Iordache I. |
2013 |
34 |
Development of a Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table (PIRT) Fire Scenario Evaluation for the EPS (Emergency Power System) Zone of a Candu-6 Nuclear Power Plant
Maxim A. , Branzeu N. , Prisecaru I. |
2013 |
35 |
PEMFC Short Stack Development at ICSI Ramnicu Valcea, from Sketch to Applications
Patularu L. , Schitea D. , Enache S. , Varlam M. , Ion-Ebrasu D. , Carcadea E. , Marinoiu A. , Rasoi G. , Crăciunescu A. |
2014 |
36 |
On the Road to High Performance PEM Fuel Cells for Portable Applications
Enache S. , Petreanu I. , Patularu L. , Ebrașu D. , Schitea D. , Varlam M. |
2014 |
37 |
Carbon Dioxide Reusing for Methane Fuel Obtaining Over Heterogeneous Catalysts as a Possible Source of Energy
Marinoiu A. , Carcadea E. , Ionete R. , Raceanu M. , Cobzaru C. , Iordache I. , Teodorescu C. , Enache A. , Varlam M. |
2014 |
38 |
Analysis of Trace Amounts of Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen and Methane in Nitrogen: A Comparison of Two Different Analytical Techniques
Miricioiu M. , Ciucure C. , Constantinescu M. , Niculescu V. , Dinca O. , Zgavarogea R. , Nechifor G. |
2015 |
39 |
A Review Regarding a “Man-Portable” Lightweight Flexible Fuel Cell Concept Small Power Supply
Marinoiu A. , Carcadea E. , Petreanu I. , Raceanu M. , Marin E. , Teodorescu C. |
2015 |
40 |
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of the Thermal Radiation Shields for Applications in Cryogenic Systems
Anghel M. , Curuia M. , Badea A. |
2015 |
41 |
Optimal Operation Conditions Identification of an Open Cathode PEMFC for Mobile Applications
Schitea D. , Patularu L. , Carcadea E. , Rasoi G. , Așchilean I. |
2016 |
42 |
The Removal of Heavy Metals Using the Bulk Liquid Membrane Technique
Mirea C. , Diaconu I. , Ruse E. , Serban E. , Clej D. , Popa G. , Popa (Enache) D. , Nechifor G. |
2016 |
43 |
3-D graphene growth by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) for energy applications
Ion-Ebrasu D. , Andrei R. , Enache A. , Enache S. , Soare A. , Carcadea E. , Varlam M. |
2020 |
44 |
Current status on the modified zeolites application in wastewater depollution
Vagner I. , Varlam C. |
2019 |
45 |
Mathematical model of a heat exchanger working with different refrigerant fluids
Zabet I. , Niţă I. , Fako R. , Ţârlea G. |
2019 |
46 |
Synthesis via electrospinning of electrospun polyacrylonitrile fibers – Preliminary results
Andrei R. , Marinoiu A. , Bucura F. , Zaharioiu A. , Niculescu V. , Sisu C. , Carcadea E. |
2018 |
47 |
Development of one-step method for synthesis of gold supported on reduced graphene oxide
Marinoiu A. , Vasut F. , Oubraham A. , Andrei R. , Vagner I. , Soare A. , Capris C. , Carcadea E. |
2018 |
48 |
LaCoO3 perovskite-type oxide: Synthesis and charcterization towards practical applications
Dragan M. , Enache S. , Soare A. , Petrov K. , Varlam M. |
2018 |
49 |
INC-DTCI - ICSI Rm. Vâlcea participation in HyLAW project
Iordache I. , Schitea D. , Floristean A. , Stefanescu I. , Brahy N. |
2018 |
50 |
Characterising of a small high temperature superconducting coil intended to be used as energy storage unit for spacecraft power systems
Iliescu M. , Culcer M. , Stefanescu F. , Curuia M. , Carcadea E. , Bizon N. , Raboaca S. , Rasoi G. , Varlam M. |
2018 |
51 |
Behind the practical challenges of lithium-ion cell manufacturing process at ROM-EST
Buga M. , Ene F. , Chitu A. , Rizoiu A. , Balan M. |
2017 |
52 |
Hybrid energy storage systems for renewable energy sources: Applications and challenges
Ciocan A. , Balan M. , Rizoiu A. |
2017 |
53 |
The environmental impact of renewable hydrogen for energy storage and mobility applications
Balan M. , Buga M. , Badea A. |
2017 |
54 |
Study of s-CNTs and PANI/CNTs nanocomposites for gas sensors development
Spiridon Ș. , Ionete E. , Monea B. , Bădiţă I. |
2017 |
55 |
Facile synthesis of well dispersed au nanoparticles on reduced graphene oxide
Marinoiu A. , Jianu C. , Cobzaru C. , Raceanu M. , Capris C. , Soare A. , Petreanu I. , Carcadea E. |
2017 |
56 |
A hybrid energy storage system and control strategy for stand-alone applications using renewable energy sources
Ciocan A. , Balan M. , Pislaru M. , Rizoiu A. , Constantin A. |
2017 |