Progress of Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation , ISSN: 1582-2575
2011, Volume 14, Issue 2

Thermovision Applications in Food Industry

Adrian Roşca , Daniela Roşca

University of Craiova, 13, A. I. Cuza Street, RO-200585, Craiova, Romania

*Corresponding author: Adrian Ro?ca: E-mail:

Published: October 2011


Thermovision can be applied in all fields where temperature differences could be used to evaluate, to diagnose, or to analyze a process or product. Thermovision has a large scale of utilizations in agriculture including planning irrigation scheduling, predicting water stress in crops, disease and pathogen detection in plants, predicting fruit yield, evaluating the maturing of fruits, bruise detection in fruits and vegetables. Thermovision is also applied in food processing, in predictive maintenance of food industry equipments and food products safety such as detection of foreign bodies in food material, temperature distribution during cooking and freezing process or in transportation and storing activities ].

The paper presents the some potential applications of Thermovision and experimental results obtained in various aspects of food industry safety.


Thermovision, food industry equipment, food industry safety.

Tag search Thermovision food industry equipment food industry safety