1998, Volume 1, Issue 1+2
Evaluari de importanta in analiza nivelului de risc pentru instalatiile industriale
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Tehnologii Criogenice si Izotopice – ICSI Rm. Vâlcea
*Corresponding author: Maria Dumitrescu, e-mail: dmaria@ns-insi.icsi.ro
Published: October 1998Abstract
In the last years, as a consequence of the technological expansion, it have developed a set of techniques which allow the describing of a complex system, the associated probabilities quantification, the identifying of psychic and physic consequences of a such a system and their quantification.
The system failure causes and consequences knowledge allows a safety level assessment. This it can realise by means of probabilistic safety assessment (PSA). After a such analyse it must make decisions of establishment of safety acceptable level and the choosing of optimum strategies to reduce the risk. The PSA applications assure the knowledge base for these decisions making.
The paper presents a essential category of PSA applications, the assessments of importance the risk achievement worth of a function (RAW), the risk reduction worth (RRW), the cumulated contribution of a base event to risk level (Fussel and Vesely). The methodology is illustrated by a system analyse the studied objective being the system of isolation group column CL301 from the pilot plant of heavy water production INC- DTCI - ICSI (ex Plant "G") Rm. Valcea.
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ISSN 1582-2575
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