Progress of Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation , ISSN: 1582-2575
2007, Volume 10, Issue 19+20

Hydrogen Production from H2S in Black Sea and Industrial Waters Using Green Energy

K. Petrov 1 , A. Popov 1 , P. Dimitrov 1 , S. Z. Baykara 2 , D. Ebrasu 3 , V. Stanciu 3 , Ioan Stefanescu 4 , M. Gulin 5 , A. Veziroglu 6

1 Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2 Chemical Engineering Department, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
3 National Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies
4 National Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Separation, Rm. Valcea
5 A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Oceanology Centre, National Academy of Science of Ukraine (OC-IBSS) - Sevastopol, Ukraine
6 International Association for Hydrogen Energy, Miami, USA

*Corresponding author: Konstantin Petrov, e-mail:  

Published: October 2007


The aim of this work is to investigate the potential of H2S in Black Sea and industrial waste waters for production of hydrogen and sulphides using green energy sources like sun and wind. H2S can be converted to hydrogen and sulphides with much less energy than splitting H2O (water). The thermodynamic potential of H2S oxidation is EH2S=0.17 V compared with EH2O=1.23 V for water splitting.

Different processes for H2S conversion are evaluated: (i) extraction of H2S from sea (or industrial) waters by absorbents and electrochemical production of hydrogen and polysulphides; (ii) additional desalination of the Sea water for producing fresh water and salty solution mainly. The salty solution is processed in chlorine – alkaline electrolysis producing the main amount of H2. Various applications of the main unit (H2S separation and Electrolysis) for industrial waste or sea waters are considered. Assumptions are made for the environmental impact of each process in particular.


Black Sea, Hydrogen Sulphide, Industrial waste waters.

Tag search Black Sea Hydrogen Sulphide Industrial waste waters