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Paun N. , Niculescu V. , Zgavarogea R. , Badea S. , Iordache A. |
2024 |
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Iordache A. , Nechita C. , Niculescu V. |
2024 |
3 |
Nita I. , Olteanu A. , Coman C. , Beznila H. |
2022 |
4 |
2H-Ne-He as the Working Fluid Components In Cryogenic Systems
Kutsko A. , Rozhentsev A. , Dalakov P. , Bohn M. |
2020 |
5 |
Evaluari de importanta in analiza nivelului de risc pentru instalatiile industriale
Dumitrescu M. , Lazar R. , Preda I. , Croitoru C. |
1998 |
6 |
Separation of Nitrogen from Air by Selective Adsorption on Carbon Molecular Sieves
Stanciu V. , Stefanescu D. , David E. |
1999 |
7 |
Biological Effects of Deuterium - Deplated Water
Stefanescu I. , Titescu G. , Croitoru C. , Saros-Rogobete I. |
2000 |
8 |
Experimental Study Concerning Fullerenes C60 Synthesis by Arc Discharge of Graphite
Stoenescu D. , Stanciu V. , Stefanescu D. , Mirica D. , Curuia M. , Sandru C. , Predoi S. |
2001 |
9 |
Surface Modification of Polymers for Adhesive Bonding
David E. , Lazar A. , Armeanu A. |
2003 |
10 |
Possibilities for Reorientation the Activity of Heavy Water Plants
Pop F. , Croitoru C. , Titescu G. , Stefanescu I. , Hodor I. , Cuna S. |
2004 |
11 |
The Potentiality Depleted Water to Modify the Tomatoes
Butnaru G. , Blidar A. , Titescu G. , Stefanescu I. |
2004 |
12 |
Energy Conversion Using Hydrogen PEM Fuel Cells
Culcer M. , Stoenescu D. , Patularu L. , Mirica D. , Lazar R. , Varlam M. , Carcadea E. , Stefanescu I. |
2004 |
13 |
Deuterium-Depleted Water, Short History and New
Stefanescu I. , Tamaian R. , Titescu G. |
2004 |
14 |
Operating Optimization of the Cernavoda NPP Heavy Water Upgrading Systems by Using PC Simulation Programs
Croitoru C. , Pop F. , Stefanescu I. , Peculea M. , Neculcea M. , Nanis R. , Dumitrescu M. , Titescu G. , Ciortea C. , Tanislav V. |
2005 |
15 |
Acquisition System for the Liquid Helium L5 Plant
Brad S. , Vijulie M. , Lazar A. , Gherghinescu S. |
2006 |
16 |
Emerging Risks Proposed for Work Agenda of the Romanian Technology Platform on Industrial Safety
Croitoru C. , Pop F. , Stefanescu I. , Stanciu V. , Carcadea E. , Titescu G. |
2007 |
17 |
Hydrogen Production from H2S in Black Sea and Industrial Waters Using Green Energy
Petrov K. , Popov A. , Dimitrov P. , Baykara S. , Ebrasu D. , Stanciu V. , Stefanescu I. , Gulin M. , Veziroglu A. |
2007 |
18 |
Development of the Membrane Permeator for Hydrogen Production to ICIT - Rm. Valcea
Iordache I. , Raceanu M. , Curuia M. , Cho J. |
2010 |
19 |
Modified Gas Diffusion Layer for Fuel Cells Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Ablation
Ebrașu D. , Dorcioman G. , Enculescu I. , Serban N. , Axente E. , Sima F. , Ristoscu C. , Mihailescu I. , Stefanescu I. |
2010 |
20 |
The Reducing Emissions of Gases with Greenhouse Effect Using the Metallic Catalysts Supported. Production Technology, Preparation, Physical and Chemical Characterization
Constantinescu M. , Bucura F. |
2010 |
21 |
Ceramic Pigments Based TIN Oxide for Ceramics
Voica C. |
2010 |
22 |
Assessment of the Cryogenic Distillation System from Cernavoda Tritium Removal Facility
Paşca G. , Drăghia M. , Porcariu F. , Ana G. |
2010 |
23 |
Fuel Gas from Biomass Wastes Gasification in a Free-Fall Reactor
David E. , Preda S. , Ducu C. |
2010 |
24 |
Hydrogen – The Future Energy Source and ITS Environmental Impact
Niculescu V. , Anghel M. , Stefanescu I. |
2011 |
25 |
Plastic Wastes Recycling Using Modified ZMS-5A Zeolite
David E. , Stefanescu I. , Stanciu V. , Aldea N. , Sandru C. , Armeanu A. |
2011 |
26 |
Progress of International Consortium on Nuclear Hydrogen Production with the Cu-Cl Cycle
Zamfirescu C. , Naterer G. , Dincer I. |
2011 |
27 |
Assessing the Wine Anthocyanin Profile for Red Grape Varieties Identification
Geana E. , Iordache A. , Ionete R. |
2011 |
28 |
Mathematical Modelling of Steam Methane Reforming in a Membrane Reactor - Preliminary Results
Carcadea E. , Varlam M. , Stefanescu I. , Tanislav V. , Ene H. , Nicolescu B. |
2011 |
29 |
Importance of Local Leak Rate in Determination of Gas Leak Localization in Enclosed Industrial Building
Spiridon Ș. , Gherghinescu S. , Popescu G. |
2012 |
30 |
Evaluation of the Soil Mercury Pollution Induced by the Chloro-Alkany Activities in Chemical Industrial Areas
Popescu L. , Ungureanu E. , Iordache M. , Inel G. , Iordache I. |
2013 |
31 |
Development of Complex Bipolar Plates for Increased PEMFC Stack Power
Patularu L. , Schitea D. , Varlam M. , Ion-Ebrasu D. , Crăciunescu A. |
2013 |
32 |
The Efficient Catalytic Conversion of Glycerol Into Valuable Chemicals
Marinoiu A. , Carcadea E. , Cobzaru C. , Capris C. , Tanislav V. , Raceanu M. , Iordache I. |
2013 |
33 |
PEMFC Short Stack Development at ICSI Ramnicu Valcea, from Sketch to Applications
Patularu L. , Schitea D. , Enache S. , Varlam M. , Ion-Ebrasu D. , Carcadea E. , Marinoiu A. , Rasoi G. , Crăciunescu A. |
2014 |
34 |
HPLC Determination of Oleanolic and Ursolic Acid in Apples and Apple Pomace
Geana E. , Ionete R. , Ciocarlan A. , Aricu A. , Fulga A. , Ungur N. , Podogova M. , Nikolaeva D. |
2014 |
35 |
Some Aspects Concerning Argon Production by Cryogenic Air Separation
Popa V. , Serban A. , Popa C. |
2014 |
36 |
A Comparative Simulation and Sensitivity Analysis Study of Hydrogen Production by Steam Methane Reforming
Buga M. , Balan M. , Iordache I. , Varlam M. |
2014 |
37 |
Identification of Yeasts Tested for Fermentation on Different Carbon Sources
Bărbulescu I. , Begea M. , Frincu M. , Tamaian R. |
2015 |
38 |
Why a TRF Shall be Built on Cernavoda Site
Gerchikov M. , Glodeanu F. , Patrascoiu S. , Naum M. |
2015 |
39 |
3-D graphene growth by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) for energy applications
Ion-Ebrasu D. , Andrei R. , Enache A. , Enache S. , Soare A. , Carcadea E. , Varlam M. |
2020 |
40 |
Carbon nanofibers PT-embedded manufactured through electrospinning
Andrei R. , Marinoiu A. , Marin E. , Soare A. , Enache S. , Carcadea E. |
2019 |
41 |
Overview of tritium activity in the nuclear fission reactors
Niţă I. , Deaconu M. , Fako R. , Meglea S. , Bujoreanu D. |
2019 |
42 |
Development of one-step method for synthesis of gold supported on reduced graphene oxide
Marinoiu A. , Vasut F. , Oubraham A. , Andrei R. , Vagner I. , Soare A. , Capris C. , Carcadea E. |
2018 |
43 |
Cryogenic support of rectification units for the neon isotopes production
Bondarenko V. , Chyhrin A. , Bashkirov H. |
2018 |
44 |
The technological chain of enrichment of 3He
Dalakov P. , Kupriyanov M. , Klier J. |
2018 |
45 |
INC-DTCI - ICSI Rm. Vâlcea participation in HyLAW project
Iordache I. , Schitea D. , Floristean A. , Stefanescu I. , Brahy N. |
2018 |
46 |
Main contribution of “G” Plant to developing of romanian technology for heavy water production
Ioniţă G. |
2018 |
47 |
Behind the practical challenges of lithium-ion cell manufacturing process at ROM-EST
Buga M. , Ene F. , Chitu A. , Rizoiu A. , Balan M. |
2017 |
48 |
The environmental impact of renewable hydrogen for energy storage and mobility applications
Balan M. , Buga M. , Badea A. |
2017 |
49 |
PEM electrolyzer – An important component of a backup emergency hydrogen-based power source
Carcadea E. , Varlam M. , Ion-Ebrasu D. , Patularu L. , Raceanu M. , Schitea D. |
2017 |