1999, Volume 2, Issue 3+4
Separation of Nitrogen from Air by Selective Adsorption on Carbon Molecular Sieves
National Research Institute of Cryogenics & Isotopic Technologies, Rm. Valcea, Romania
*Corresponding author: Elena David, e-mail: david@ns-icsi.icsi.ro
Published: October 1999Abstract
Carbon molecular sieves (CMS) are used on a wide scale for the separation of air into its components. CMS materials are kinetic adsorbents which separate N2 frorn air by faster sorption of O2 by the carbon. This paper presents the research results concerning the sorption kinetics of O2 from air by CMS used a Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) single column (700 mm lenght, 50 mm i.d.). Romanian piteoal was used as carbon precursor for preparation of CMS. The molecular sieving properties of O2 selective carbon molecular sieves CMS - HP (O2), prepared under different conditions, were studied by measuring dynamic adsorption capacity for O2. Also, N2 production from air by CMS - HP(O2) used PSA (two columns) simple and improved process, were studied. The gas flow velocity through the CMS bed determines the remaining O2 concentration in the N2 produced. By changing this velocity, the O2 concentration can by adjusted between 0,03 ÷ 5,20% vol.
Carbon molecular sieves, air separation, pressure swing adsorption.
Tag search Carbon molecular sieves air separation pressure swing adsorption
ISSN 1582-2575
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