2013, Volume 16, Issue 2
Evaluation of the Soil Mercury Pollution Induced by the Chloro-Alkany Activities in Chemical Industrial Areas
1 National Research and Development Institute for Industrial Ecology – INCD-ECOIND Bucharest-Subsidiary Ramnicu Valcea, 1 Uzinei Street, Ramnicu Valcea 240050, Romania
2 University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Gheorghe Polizu 1-7, 011061, Sector1, Bucharest, Romania
3 National Research and Development Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies - ICSI Rm. Valcea, Uzinei Street no. 4, PO Box Râureni 7, 240050, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania
*Corresponding author: Luisa-Roxana Popescu, Email: mandoc_lui@yahoo.com
Published: October 2013Abstract
The main objective of this study is to bring information on the evolution of soil pollution with mercury in an area that functioned as a plant for brine electrolysis with mercury. The electrolysis hall was rehabilitated in 2004 and converted into a new production hall with machine-building profile. The results show that although the mercury electrolysis plant stopped working for about seven years, the soil near the plant exceeds the intervention threshold.
The determination of mercury in these soils samples was achieved by the standard methods (SR EN 1483:2003 and SR EN 1238:2003 - AAS). The measurements have been done on AAS Unicam atomic spectrometer using 10% SnCl2 solution and concentrated nitric acid, from Merck.
Mercury, atomic absorption spectrometry, soil pollution.
Tag search Mercury atomic absorption spectrometry soil pollution
ISSN 1582-2575
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