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Pompilian O. , Dinca P. , Burducea I. , Baiasu F. , Staicu C. |
2023 |
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Iordache M. , Zgavarogea R. , Iordache A. , Constantinescu M. , Bucura F. , Ionete R. , Grigorescu R. , Nechita C. |
2021 |
3 |
CWQI index as quality indicator of surface water - An approach on the Olt River, Romania
Sandru C. , Iordache M. , Iordache A. , Ionete R. , Zgavarogea R. |
2020 |
4 |
Determinarea activitatii tritiului in probe de apa grea din Instalatia Pilot Experimental pentru Separarea Tritiului si Deuteriului
Varlam C. |
1998 |
5 |
Investigarea experimentala a factorului Debye-Waller in imprastierea Hidrogenului si Deuteriului pe suprafete monocristaline de Cu {111}
Varlam M. , Steflea D. , Chiriloaie N. , Nicola S. |
1998 |
6 |
Chemically Modified Glasses for Analysis of Hydrogen Isotopes by Gas-Chromatography
Stanciu V. , Stefanescu D. , David E. |
2000 |
7 |
The Role of Expert Judgement in Risk Assessment of Complex Plant
Dumitrescu M. , Carcadea E. , Preda I. , Lazar R. |
2000 |
8 |
Filtrarea în gradient înalt de câmp magnetic aplicata la depoluarea gazelor industriale
Iacob G. , Chiriac H. , Herea D. , Curuia M. , Iliescu M. , Stefanescu I. |
2002 |
9 |
Critica schimbului izotopic apa-hidrogen - Studiu de caz
Peculea M. |
2002 |
10 |
The Characterization of Regenerative Processes on Grapevine Culture Under DDW Influence
Stefanescu I. , Teodorescu A. , Giosanu D. , Visoiu E. , Buciumeanu E. , Bejan C. , Popescu C. |
2003 |
11 |
Possibilities for Reorientation the Activity of Heavy Water Plants
Pop F. , Croitoru C. , Titescu G. , Stefanescu I. , Hodor I. , Cuna S. |
2004 |
12 |
Direct Liquid Scintillation Measurement Applied to Environmental Water Sample
Varlam C. , Stefanescu I. , Varlam M. , Faurescu I. , Popescu I. |
2005 |
13 |
Comparative Study About Hydrogen Sorption in Sponge and Powder Titanium
Vasut F. , Preda A. , Zamfirache M. , Ducu C. , Malinovschi V. |
2005 |
14 |
Candu Station Tritium Removal Facility Optimal Design and Utilization
Everatt A. , Sadhankar R. , Munro R. |
2005 |
15 |
Acquisition System for the Liquid Helium L5 Plant
Brad S. , Vijulie M. , Lazar A. , Gherghinescu S. |
2006 |
16 |
Mechanical and Structural Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steel Used in Nuclear Reactors. The Effect of Helium at Low Temperature
Brad S. , Ducu C. , Malinovschi V. , Stefanescu I. |
2006 |
17 |
Materials Demands for Hydrogen Storage
David E. , Stanciu V. , Armeanu A. , Sandru C. |
2006 |
18 |
The Recovery Factors Analysis of the Human Errors for Research Reactors
Farcasiu M. , Nitoi M. , Apostol M. , Turcu I. , Florescu G. |
2006 |
19 |
Research Concerning the Optimization of Isotopic Exchange Process in the Pilot Plant for Tritium and Deuterium Separation
Gherghinescu S. , Popescu G. |
2007 |
20 |
Development of a Deuterium Separation Factors in Palladium-Hydrogen Systems Measurement Method in Order to Evaluate the Tritium Separation
Iliescu M. , Culcer M. , Raceanu M. , Enache A. , Stefanescu I. |
2007 |
21 |
Development of the Neutron Filters for Jet Gamma-Ray Cameras
Soare S. , Curuia M. , Kiptily V. , Murari A. , Prior P. , Zoita V. , Anghel M. , Bonheure G. , Constantin M. , David E. , Edlington T. , Griph S. , Le Guern F. , Krivchenkov Y. , Popovichev S. , Riccardo V. , Syme B. , Thompson V. , contributors J. |
2007 |
22 |
Studies Regarding Behaviour of Sintered Materials on Isotopes Separation – 1. Cryogenic Experimental Plant
Pop F. , Croitoru C. , Stefanescu I. , Ciortea C. , Brad S. , Titescu G. , Stanciu V. , Culcer M. , Iliescu M. |
2008 |
23 |
Addition of Synthetic Aromas to Wine – Considerations Regarding the Detection
Vremera R. , Costinel D. , Ionete R. , Cho J. |
2010 |
24 |
Calibration of a GSD 320 Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer for Hydrogen and Deuterium Gas Mixtures Analysis
Stefanescu A. , Bidica N. , Bornea A. , Cristescu I. , Stefanescu I. |
2010 |
25 |
Performance Tests on the Adsorption Systems for Redesign and Functioning in New Operating Conditions
Gherghinescu S. , Popescu G. , Vacaru M. |
2011 |
26 |
Upgrade of the Jet Tangential Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (TGRS)
Soare S. , Anghel M. , Zoita V. , Craciunescu T. , Curuia M. , Kiptily V. , Edlington T. , Syme B. , contributors J. |
2011 |
27 |
Cryogenic Distillation Column. Influence of an External Factor
David C. , Stefan L. |
2011 |
28 |
Can Still be Applied Liquid Scintillation Counting to Environmental Water Samples for Tritium Measurement?
Varlam C. , Stefanescu I. , Ioniţă G. , Faurescu I. , Bogdan D. , Faurescu D. |
2011 |
29 |
Methods Used to Estimate the Greenhouse Gas Emission Potential from Solid Waste Disposal
David E. , Aldea N. , Preda S. , Armeanu A. , Sandru C. , Bucura F. , Constantinescu M. , Mocanu D. |
2012 |
30 |
Variation of the Olt River Quality Into the Industrial Complex Area of Ramnicu Valcea
Iordache M. , Branzoi I. , Iordache I. , Popescu L. , Taralunga M. |
2012 |
31 |
Stress Corrosion Cracking Behaviour of Candu Fuel Claddings
Dinu A. , Radu V. , Chicinaş I. , Ionescu D. |
2012 |
32 |
Pressure Loss Detection in Plants With Continuous Monitoring by Measuring the Flow Parameters
Gherghinescu S. , Spiridon . , Popescu G. |
2012 |
33 |
Mechanical Behavior of Recoverable Dental Re-Cast Alloys
Roşca A. , Roşca D. |
2013 |
34 |
Local Atmospheric Dispersion Assessment During a Potential Candu Severe Accident
Gheorghe (Nicolici) C. , Prisecaru I. , Nicolici S. |
2013 |
35 |
Development of a Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table (PIRT) Fire Scenario Evaluation for the EPS (Emergency Power System) Zone of a Candu-6 Nuclear Power Plant
Maxim A. , Branzeu N. , Prisecaru I. |
2013 |
36 |
The Application of Pollution Indexes in the Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in Sediments
Iordache M. , Popescu L. , Iordache I. |
2014 |
37 |
Influence of Climatic Factors on Sensory Characteristics of Wines Originated from Intra- and Extra-Carphatian Areas
Stegarus D. |
2014 |
38 |
Estimated Transfer of Volatile Organochlorine Substances in the Ecosystems Water, Sediment, Biota Using the Concept of Fugacity
Iordache M. , Popescu L. , Pascu L. , Iordache I. |
2015 |
39 |
Numerical Analysis on the Hydrogen Generation from Sodium Borohydride Hydrolysis
Carcadea E. , Varlam M. , Stefanescu I. , Marinoiu A. , Raceanu M. |
2016 |
40 |
Carbon nanofibers PT-embedded manufactured through electrospinning
Andrei R. , Marinoiu A. , Marin E. , Soare A. , Enache S. , Carcadea E. |
2019 |
41 |
Assessment of PAHs levels in sediments and fish collected from artificial lakes on the course of Olt river, Romania: Optimisation and validation of the extraction methods
Ciucure C. , Geana E. |
2019 |
42 |
Preliminary results in Rn monitoring at INC-DM Constanta
Patrascu V. , Cherestes C. , Tomescu M. , Serban S. |
2018 |
43 |
LaCoO3 perovskite-type oxide: Synthesis and charcterization towards practical applications
Dragan M. , Enache S. , Soare A. , Petrov K. , Varlam M. |
2018 |
44 |
Phosphorus removal from wastewater in the presence of mesoporous materials
Niculescu V. , Iordache M. , Miricioiu M. , Asimopolos L. |
2018 |
45 |
Cryogenic support of rectification units for the neon isotopes production
Bondarenko V. , Chyhrin A. , Bashkirov H. |
2018 |
46 |
Main contribution of “G” Plant to developing of romanian technology for heavy water production
Ioniţă G. |
2018 |
47 |
Assessment of the groundwater characteristics around a metallurgical manufacturing plant
Sandru C. , David E. |
2017 |