2018, Volume 21, Issue 2
Preliminary results in Rn monitoring at INC-DM Constanta
1 National Institute for Marine Research and Development ”Grigore Antipa”, Mamaia Bd., No. 300, Constanta, Romania
2 Dositracker SRL, Atomistilor Street, No. 407, Magurele, Ilfov, Romania
3 Dobrogea Regional Meteorological Center in Constanta, Mamaia Bd., No. 300, România
*Corresponding author: Vasile Patrascu, E-mail: vpatrascu@alpha.rmri.ro
Published: 2018
In order to ensure good living standards, all risk factors are considered in ensuring work and life conditions. The urban lives we live can be influenced by the quality of air both at work and at home.
Amongst environmental factors, air is essential to a good quality of life. A component that demands close supervision is the radioactive gas Radon. It originates both from natural radioactive constituents of Earth’s crust and construction materials. This introduces variety to the places where Radon is found, both in terms of local geological structure as well as building characteristics. Radon concentration levels in inhabited buildings can also be influenced by the tenant’s daily habits. Both the presence and measures of reducing the concentration of this radioactive gas require its monitoring. The adoption of EU directive 2013/59/Euratom draw attention on protection of the population and working personnel at Radon exposure, in buildings with public access and workplaces, from any source of Radon infiltration, whether originating from the ground and/or from construction materials.
The Radioecology Laboratory INCDM “Grigore Antipa” – Constanta initiated a program of methodological testing and annual Radon monitoring. Preliminary results of Radon concentration measurements through an active method range from 10-429 Bq/m3 (Fig. 1). Constant supervision is maintained in order to consolidate observations of Rn concentration variation over time, as a function of meteorological parameters, this potentially serving as a benchmark for measurements in coastal areas.
air quality, radon, radon measurement, house, workplace
Tag search air quality radon radon measurement house workplace
ISSN 1582-2575
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