2012, Volume 15, Issue 2
Methods Used to Estimate the Greenhouse Gas Emission Potential from Solid Waste Disposal
1 National Institute for Research and Development for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies - ICIT Rm. Valcea, Uzinei Street no. 4, P.O. Box Raureni 7, 240050, Ramnicu Valcea, Romania
2 National Research Institute for Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
3 Research Station for Fruit Growing Valcea, Calea lui Traian, no. 464, 240263, Rm. Valcea, Romania
*Corresponding author: Elena David, E-mail: david@icsi.ro
Published: October 2012Abstract
Environmental policy in waste management leads to increasing interest in developing methods for waste disposal with minimum emissions of greenhouse gases and minimum environmental impacts.Open dumping, landfilling and modern waste combustors (MWCs) are the prevalent solid waste disposal practices in many countries. Surveys on the disposal sites revealed the presence of numerous landfills ,open dumps and waste combustors. Greenhouse gas emission potential at these sites can be estimated by different methods. The purpose of this paper is to establish a more robust technique for determining the potential of gas emissions from municipal solid waste and to use those results in a life cycle assessments that determines the GHG impacts of modern MWCs and landfills. Methane emission potential at these sites was estimated by three methods. Results of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) method, Landfill Gas Emission model (LandGEM), and closed flux chamber technique were compared. For the facilities analyzed , the methane emission potential of 18.94 Gg/yr using the IPCC method was higher than the estimations of the LandGEM and closed flux chamber method of 5.95 Gg/yr and 5.33 Gg/yr, respectively. From the point of view of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, waste incineration and waste co-combustion are acceptable methods of waste disposal. Two factors are important for attaining low NOx emissions from waste combustion , particularly for waste with higher nitrogen content (e.g. sewage sludge, leather, etc.): temperature of incineration over 900OC and using of modern incinerators with selective catalytic reduction (SCR) or selective noncatalytic reduction (SNCR) deNOx facilities. The catalysts used in SCR based facilities are among others Fe-zeolite and V2O2.This catalysts have high N2O decomposition (and SCR) activity with good hydrothermal stability.This data are essential to assess the potential need of abatement measures to limit N2O emissions in future operation of waste incineration plants.
MSW, CH4 , NOx emission, landfill, open dump, incineration, selective catalytic reduction (SCR)
Tag search MSW CH4 NOx emission landfill open dump incineration selective catalytic reduction SCR


ISSN 1582-2575
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