1 |
Paun N. , Niculescu V. , Zgavarogea R. , Badea S. , Iordache A. |
2024 |
2 |
Energy Conversion Using Hydrogen PEM Fuel Cells
Culcer M. , Stoenescu D. , Patularu L. , Mirica D. , Lazar R. , Varlam M. , Carcadea E. , Stefanescu I. |
2004 |
3 |
Evaluation of Proton Conductive Polymers as Electrolyte for H2/Air Fuel Cells
Stoenescu D. , Stanciu V. , Stefanescu I. , Saros I. , Morozan A. , Vulpe S. , Urse M. , Apetroaei N. |
2006 |
4 |
Testing System for a Fuel Cells Stack
Culcer M. , Iliescu M. , Stefanescu I. , Raceanu M. , Enache A. , Lazar R. |
2006 |
5 |
Investigation of Transport Phenomena in a 7-Serpentine Channel PEM Fuel Cell
Carcadea E. , Ene H. , Ingham D. , Ionete R. , Stefanescu I. , Stanciu V. , Patularu L. |
2007 |
6 |
PEM Fuel Cell Design and Manufacturing in ICIT-Rm. Valcea
Patularu L. , Ebrasu D. , Stefanescu I. , Ionete R. , Culcer M. , Stanciu V. , Carcadea E. , Mirica D. , Rasoi G. |
2007 |
7 |
Parameters That Influence the PEM Fuel Cell Performance
Carcadea E. , Ingham D. , Stefanescu I. , Ionete R. , Ene H. , Nicolescu B. |
2008 |
8 |
Radioactive Waste Treatment Strategy in Poland – A Contribution of Research Performed at Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology
Zakrzewska-Trznadel G. |
2009 |
9 |
Development of the Membrane Permeator for Hydrogen Production to ICIT - Rm. Valcea
Iordache I. , Raceanu M. , Curuia M. , Cho J. |
2010 |
10 |
Modified Gas Diffusion Layer for Fuel Cells Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Ablation
Ebrașu D. , Dorcioman G. , Enculescu I. , Serban N. , Axente E. , Sima F. , Ristoscu C. , Mihailescu I. , Stefanescu I. |
2010 |
11 |
A CFD Investigation of Membrane Reactor for Methane Steam Reforming
Carcadea E. , Varlam M. , Stefanescu I. , Ingham D. , Tanislav V. , Capris C. , Ene H. , Nicolescu B. |
2010 |
12 |
Synthesis and Characterization of Silica Doped/Sulfonated Poly (Phenylene Oxide) Membranes
Ebrașu D. , Petreanu I. , Varlam M. , Stefanescu I. |
2011 |
13 |
Study of Flow Field Design for Improving PEMFC Performance
Carcadea E. , Varlam M. , Stefanescu I. , Tanislav V. , Patularu L. , Schitea D. , Ene H. |
2011 |
14 |
Influence of Operating Parameters on the Electrical Performance of PEM Fuel Cells
Patularu L. , Craciunescu A. , Rasoi G. , Varlam M. , Ebrașu D. , Raceanu M. |
2011 |
15 |
Mathematical Modelling of Steam Methane Reforming in a Membrane Reactor - Preliminary Results
Carcadea E. , Varlam M. , Stefanescu I. , Tanislav V. , Ene H. , Nicolescu B. |
2011 |
16 |
Parametrical Study of Steam Methane Reforming in a Membrane Reactor
Carcadea E. , Varlam M. , Stefanescu I. , Marinoiu A. , Tanislav V. , Capris C. |
2012 |
17 |
Composite Nafion/TiO2 Membranes for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Ebrașu D. , Dorcioman G. , Axente E. , Mihailescu I. , Patularu L. , Schitea D. , Varlam M. , Stefanescu I. , Constantinescu L. |
2012 |
18 |
Heat Transfer Modelling of Steam Methane Reforming
Carcadea E. , Varlam M. , Stefanescu I. , Culcer M. , Iliescu M. , Enache A. , Tanislav V. , Capris C. |
2012 |
19 |
Development of Complex Bipolar Plates for Increased PEMFC Stack Power
Patularu L. , Schitea D. , Varlam M. , Ion-Ebrasu D. , Crăciunescu A. |
2013 |
20 |
Potential Studies of Ultrasounds Effects in Fuel Cells
Schitea D. , Amza G. , Iordache I. |
2013 |
21 |
PEMFC Short Stack Development at ICSI Ramnicu Valcea, from Sketch to Applications
Patularu L. , Schitea D. , Enache S. , Varlam M. , Ion-Ebrasu D. , Carcadea E. , Marinoiu A. , Rasoi G. , Crăciunescu A. |
2014 |
22 |
Effects of Flow Field on PEM Fuel Cell Performance
Carcadea E. , Varlam M. , Stefanescu I. , Patularu L. , Marinoiu A. , Tanislav V. , Enache S. |
2014 |
23 |
On the Road to High Performance PEM Fuel Cells for Portable Applications
Enache S. , Petreanu I. , Patularu L. , Ebrașu D. , Schitea D. , Varlam M. |
2014 |
24 |
Membrane Bioreactor (MR) Technology- A New and Effective Treatment of Wastewater
Zgavarogea R. , Covaliu C. , Niculescu V. , Miricioiu M. , Paun N. , Iordache A. , Neacşa M. |
2016 |
25 |
CFD Investigation of Gas Diffusion Layers Compression on the PEM Fuel Cell Performance
Carcadea E. , Varlam M. , Ingham D. , Patularu L. , Marinoiu A. , Ion-Ebrasu D. , Stefanescu I. |
2016 |
26 |
The Removal of Heavy Metals Using the Bulk Liquid Membrane Technique
Mirea C. , Diaconu I. , Ruse E. , Serban E. , Clej D. , Popa G. , Popa (Enache) D. , Nechifor G. |
2016 |
27 |
Carbon nanofibers PT-embedded manufactured through electrospinning
Andrei R. , Marinoiu A. , Marin E. , Soare A. , Enache S. , Carcadea E. |
2019 |
28 |
Synthesis via electrospinning of electrospun polyacrylonitrile fibers – Preliminary results
Andrei R. , Marinoiu A. , Bucura F. , Zaharioiu A. , Niculescu V. , Sisu C. , Carcadea E. |
2018 |
29 |
Performance evaluation of a PEM electrolyser using CFD modelling
Carcadea E. , Varlam M. , Petrov K. , Jianu C. , Ion-Ebrasu D. , Patularu L. , Raceanu M. , Schitea D. |
2018 |
30 |
Some issues in modelling of competing permeation of hydrogen isotopes through metals - A review
Bidica N. |
2018 |
31 |
Fuel cell based powertrain simulations to find the power splitting leading to improved characteristics
Iliescu M. , Raceanu M. , Culcer M. , Enache A. , Varlam M. |
2017 |
32 |
Durability studies of silicone elastomeric materials for gasket used in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell
Petreanu I. , Patularu L. , Ene F. , Schitea D. , Soare A. , Sandru C. |
2017 |
33 |
Niobium oxide catalysts obtained by DC magnetron sputtering for PEM electrolysis application
Ion-Ebrasu D. , Enache S. , Rizoiu A. , Filip M. , Preda S. , Varlam M. , Fruth V. , Stefanescu I. |
2017 |