Articles by tag: capacity
Title Authors Year
Iordache A. , Nechita C. , Niculescu V. 2024
2 Separarea bioxidului de carbon din gazele naturale prin adsorbtie pe carbuni site moleculare
Stanciu V. , David E. , Stefanescu D. 1998
3 Separation of Nitrogen from Air by Selective Adsorption on Carbon Molecular Sieves
Stanciu V. , Stefanescu D. , David E. 1999
4 Biological Effects of Deuterium - Deplated Water
Stefanescu I. , Titescu G. , Croitoru C. , Saros-Rogobete I. 2000
5 Experimental Study About Hydrogen Isotopes Storage on Titanium Bed
Vasut F. , Zamfirache M. , Bornea A. , Pearsica C. , Bidica N. 2002
6 Possibilities for Reorientation the Activity of Heavy Water Plants
Pop F. , Croitoru C. , Titescu G. , Stefanescu I. , Hodor I. , Cuna S. 2004
7 Comparative Study About Hydrogen Sorption in Sponge and Powder Titanium
Vasut F. , Preda A. , Zamfirache M. , Ducu C. , Malinovschi V. 2005
8 Operating Optimization of the Cernavoda NPP Heavy Water Upgrading Systems by Using PC Simulation Programs
Croitoru C. , Pop F. , Stefanescu I. , Peculea M. , Neculcea M. , Nanis R. , Dumitrescu M. , Titescu G. , Ciortea C. , Tanislav V. 2005
9 Candu Station Tritium Removal Facility Optimal Design and Utilization
Everatt A. , Sadhankar R. , Munro R. 2005
10 Materials Demands for Hydrogen Storage
David E. , Stanciu V. , Armeanu A. , Sandru C. 2006
11 The Recovery Factors Analysis of the Human Errors for Research Reactors
Farcasiu M. , Nitoi M. , Apostol M. , Turcu I. , Florescu G. 2006
12 The Associate Effect of Depleted Water and Magnetic Particles on Vitis vinifera (L) Organogenesis
Butnaru G. , Dobrei A. , Stefanescu I. , Titescu G. , Boleman A. , Costinel D. 2009
13 Obtaining and Chemical Activation of Biomass Chars to Increase Their Capacity for CO2 Capture
David E. , Preda S. , Ducu C. 2009
14 Nuclear Power Generation Alternative for a Clean Energy Future
Bobric E. , Bucur C. , Popescu I. , Simionov V. 2010
15 Synthesis and Characterization of Silica Doped/Sulfonated Poly (Phenylene Oxide) Membranes
Ebrașu D. , Petreanu I. , Varlam M. , Stefanescu I. 2011
16 Evaluation of the Deuterium Modulation Potential of Lead  Status on Zea Mays Organogenesis and Growth
Butnaru G. , Sarac I. , Titescu G. , Butnariu H. 2012
17 The Involvement of Deuterium Presence in the Drosophila Melanogaster Evolution - Diverse Effects of Deuterium Concentrations Upon the Phenotype of Different Strains and Romanian Ecotypes
Butnaru G. , Sarac I. , Popescu S. , Titescu G. , Stefanescu I. 2013
18 Comparative Granulometric Characteristics of Grist Fractions from Plansifter Compartments of One and Two Reduction Roll Passages in a Milling Plant of 4.2 t/h
Voicu G. , Constantin G. , Ștefan E. 2013
19 Influence of Temperature Variation Over Characteristic Capacity in 18650 Li-Ion Rechargeable Battery
Bubulinca C. , Enache S. , Buga M. 2016
20 Reductive dechlorination of α-hexachlorocyclohexane by iron sulfide nanoparticles in batch experiments mimics its anaerobic biodegradation in environment - preliminary results
Badea S. , Popescu D. , Niculescu V. , Enache S. , Soare A. , Ionete R. 2019
21 Simulation of a mobile charging station operational mode based on Ramnicu Valcea area
Raboaca M. , Bancescu I. , Iliescu M. , Culcer M. , Carlea F. , Lavric A. , Manta I. , Lungu F. , Bisoc A. , Filote C. 2019
22 Mathematical model of a heat exchanger working with different refrigerant fluids
Zabet I. , Niţă I. , Fako R. , Ţârlea G. 2019
23 Remarks on the thermal properties of rocks and the treatment of geothermal waters
Asimopolos L. , Asimopolos N. , Niculescu V. , Asimopolos A. 2018
24 Phosphorus removal from wastewater in the presence of mesoporous materials
Niculescu V. , Iordache M. , Miricioiu M. , Asimopolos L. 2018
25 Cryogenic support of rectification units for the neon isotopes production
Bondarenko V. , Chyhrin A. , Bashkirov H. 2018
26 Some failure modes of ICSI cryogenic distillation system as basis for safety analysis
Ana G. , Șofilca N. , Niculescu A. 2018
27 An overview on the removal of nitrogen compounds from water and wastewater
Niculescu V. , Sandru C. , Paun N. , Miricioiu M. 2017
28 Performance assessment of Li-ion 18650 batteries by using the multi-tag fuelcon work test station
Bubulinca C. , Enache S. , Buga M. 2017