2013, Volume 16, Issue 1
Comparative Granulometric Characteristics of Grist Fractions from Plansifter Compartments of One and Two Reduction Roll Passages in a Milling Plant of 4.2 t/h
Politehnica University of Bucharest, Faculty of Biotechnical Systems Engineering, 313 Splaiul Independentei, sector 6, Bucuresti, postal code 060042, D 103 Building
*Corresponding author: Gheorghe Voicu, E-mail: ghvoicu_2005@yahoo.com
Published: May 2013Abstract
In industrial mills grinding and sifting operations are complementary and their characteristic equipments form a technological passage. Technological flow for turning of wheat into flour comprises two main phases: coarse grinding (grist breakage) and fine grinding (grist reduction). After breakage of wheat seeds and wheat seed parts, intermediate grit products are directed to the reduction phase. In the paper is analyzed the flow (circulation) of grist products in the reduction technological phase in a milling plant with capacity of 4.2 t/h. For this phase, the milling plant is equipped with six technological passages, having six plansifter compartments in which products grinded with smooth cylinders are divided on fractions with particles of different sizes, while extracting flour and bran. Fractions (semolina and dust) are returned to the grinding process. Also, in the paper is presented the particle size distribution comparative results of each fraction obtained at plansifter compartments of one and two reduction roll. Is made a discussion on the size limits between is falling particles of each fraction, as well as their visual appearance (endosperm/shell content, shape and size of particles, the amount of flour extracted).
Wheat milling, reduction roller mill, plansifter compartment, sifting, particle size distribution.
Tag search Wheat milling reduction roller mill plansifter compartment sifting particle size distribution
ISSN 1582-2575
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