Progress of Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation , ISSN: 1582-2575
2012, Volume 15, Issue 2

Evaluation of the Deuterium Modulation Potential of Lead  Status on Zea Mays Organogenesis and Growth

Gallia Butnaru 1* , Ioan Sarac 1 , Gheorghe Titescu 2 , Horia Butnariu 1

1 Banat University of Agricultural and Veterinary Medicine from Timisoara, Romania
2 National Research and Development Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies - ICSI Rm. Valcea, Uzinei Street no. 4, PO Box Râureni 7, 240050, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania

*Corresponding author: Gallia Butnaru,  E-mail:

Published: October 2012


The experiment was carried out in lab conditions [germination and embryogenesis], and in field in 2011 and 2012. In controlled lab conditions, the results pointed out the interaction among genotypes, D concentration associated with lead. The change in deuterium concentration associated with lead affected germination, root and coleoptile & embryo-leaves formation. The germination on three maize lines [521, 555, 522] was significantly different, pointing out the genotypes’ different strong response. The most sensitive was the genotype 555. It was significantly reduced in comparison to 521 and 522 [d= - 31.18 and d=34.17 > 0.01]. The weak particularity continued along the entire life cycle. Generally the germination was significantly repressed by lead amount [50, 100 and 200 ppm]. The association between deuterium depleted water [30 ppm] and a high amount of lead [200 ppm] was an exception - the germination was significantly stimulated [d=20 and d=16.7 > 0.01]. The low content of D revealed a favorable modulation effect. The embryonic organogenesis was slow. The root growth was significantly repressed by the low amount of D [d= - 0.23 > 0.5]. The coleoptiles’ growth was not influenced by D&Pb. The plantlets’ adaptation in field conditions was dramatically reduced. More than 60% of them could not survive. The comparison between 2011 and 2012 of the plant’s growth and their traits emphasized the capacity of restoring their repressed status. In comparison to D 145 ppm the D-30 the plant’s characteristic elements were superior developed. The yield quality was differently influenced by D&Pb amount. The 1000 kernel weight was higher on D-30 plants [241>239 g]. The protein content was higher when the seeds were germinated in low amount of D. On the other hand, the oil and starch synthesis were repressed. We consider that D content is “working” as a modulator in different synthesis pathways.


Amount of D & lead concentration; germination, organogenesis, plant growth, plant’s trait.

Tag search Amount of D lead concentration germination organogenesis plant growth plants trait