Articles by tag: situ
Title Authors Year
1 Diffusion Molecullaire dans les Structures Poreuses
Florescu D. , Abrudeanu M. , Stefanescu I. , Stanciu V. 2005
2 The Recovery Factors Analysis of the Human Errors for Research Reactors
Farcasiu M. , Nitoi M. , Apostol M. , Turcu I. , Florescu G. 2006
3 D/T Ratio in DT Mixture on Liquid Phase Using Dielectric Constant and Electrical Conductivity Measurements
Culcer M. , Iliescu M. , Cristescu I. , Stefanescu I. 2008
4 Neuro-Fuzzy And Knowledge-Based Expert Systems In Risk Management
Anghel M. , Dumitrescu M. , Tanislav V. 2008
5 Log-Normal Distribution of PM10 – Application in Craiova (Romania) During the First Six Month of 2011
Mateescu M. , Sbirna L. , Oubraham A. , Vladut G. , Sbirna S. 2011
6 On-Line Predictive Maintenance for Pilot Plant for Tritium and Deuterium Separation
Gherghinescu S. 2011
7 Log-Normal Distribution of the Suspended Particulate Matter (PM10) – Application in Craiova, Romania (2012)
Sbirna L. , Codresi T. , Oubraham A. , Sbirna S. 2012
8 Mathematical Models Used in Describing Air Pollutants’ Dispersion – Application in Craiova, Romania (2012)
Codresi T. , Sbirna S. , Sbirna L. , Oubraham A. 2012
9 Variation of the Olt River Quality Into the Industrial Complex Area of Ramnicu Valcea
Iordache M. , Branzoi I. , Iordache I. , Popescu L. , Taralunga M. 2012
10 Detailed Characterization and Profiles of Ambient Atmosphere Monitoring Using Automatic Techniques from In Situ Collected Samp
Florescu D. , Ionete R. , Bucura F. , Constantinescu M. , Saros G. 2012
11 Physical and Chemical Characterization of Flavored and Demy Flavored Wines from Recas Vineyard
Lengyel E. , Oprean L. , Otto K. , Iancu R. , Bociu D. , Tita O. 2012
12 Hazardous Substances in Water and Sediments of Olt River, Downstream from Rm. Valcea
Iordache M. , Iordache I. , Popescu L. , Costinel D. 2013
13 Estimation of Isotopic Exchange Parameters by Control of Condensation Process
Gherghinescu S. , Popescu G. , Spiridon . 2013
14 Local Atmospheric Dispersion Assessment During a Potential Candu Severe Accident
Gheorghe (Nicolici) C. , Prisecaru I. , Nicolici S. 2013
15 Estimated Transfer of Volatile Organochlorine Substances in the Ecosystems Water, Sediment, Biota Using the Concept of Fugacity
Iordache M. , Popescu L. , Pascu L. , Iordache I. 2015
16 Influence of the Thermal Energy Storage on the Hybrid Heating Systems' Energy Profile*
Șoimoșan T. , Felseghi R. 2016
17 Distribution of heavy metals in water and sediments from lakes of the Olt watershed
Sandru C. , Iordache M. , Radulescu A. , Zgavarogea R. , Ionete R. 2019
18 New requirements of IAEA concerning radiation protection and safety of radiation sources
Madgalin N. , Aranghel I. , Machita S. 2017