Articles by tag: Steam
Title Authors Year
1 Biological Effects of Deuterium - Deplated Water
Stefanescu I. , Titescu G. , Croitoru C. , Saros-Rogobete I. 2000
2 Development of the Membrane Permeator for Hydrogen Production to ICIT - Rm. Valcea
Iordache I. , Raceanu M. , Curuia M. , Cho J. 2010
3 Fuel Gas from Biomass Wastes Gasification in a Free-Fall Reactor
David E. , Preda S. , Ducu C. 2010
4 A CFD Investigation of Membrane Reactor for Methane Steam Reforming
Carcadea E. , Varlam M. , Stefanescu I. , Ingham D. , Tanislav V. , Capris C. , Ene H. , Nicolescu B. 2010
5 Biohydrogen – The Environmentally Friendly Alternative Automotive Fuel
Anghel M. , Niculescu V. , Stefanescu I. 2011
6 Mathematical Modelling of Steam Methane Reforming in a Membrane Reactor - Preliminary Results
Carcadea E. , Varlam M. , Stefanescu I. , Tanislav V. , Ene H. , Nicolescu B. 2011
7 Parametrical Study of Steam Methane Reforming in a Membrane Reactor
Carcadea E. , Varlam M. , Stefanescu I. , Marinoiu A. , Tanislav V. , Capris C. 2012
8 Heat Transfer Modelling of Steam Methane Reforming
Carcadea E. , Varlam M. , Stefanescu I. , Culcer M. , Iliescu M. , Enache A. , Tanislav V. , Capris C. 2012
9 The Role Assessment of the Catalysts Based on Metal Oxides in the Waste Biomass Gasification Process
David E. , Preda S. , Armeanu A. , Sandru C. , Mocanu D. 2013
10 Development of an Experimental Model Based Simulation on Nanostructurated Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage
Iordache I. , Rasoi G. , Anghel V. 2013
11 Use of Iron-Based Catalysts to Increase the Efficiency of Catalytic Conversion Processes of Residual Biomass
David E. , Mureşanu M. , Reiss A. , Preda S. , Armeanu A. , Sandru C. 2014
12 A Comparative Simulation and Sensitivity Analysis Study of Hydrogen Production by Steam Methane Reforming
Buga M. , Balan M. , Iordache I. , Varlam M. 2014
13 Study of Inconel 718 Alloy Tested by Heat-Cycling
Velciu L. , Meleg T. , Panţîru M. , Petrescu D. , Florea V. 2016
14 Energy potential of geothermal gas and sewage sludge biogas. A laboratory stage investigation
Bucura F. , Ionete R. , Marin F. , Miricioiu M. , Saros G. , Zaharioiu A. , Constantinescu M. 2018
15 Obtaining of fuel gas from catalytic conversion of residual biomass
David E. , Armeanu A. , Sandru C. , Niculescu V. 2018
16 The environmental impact of renewable hydrogen for energy storage and mobility applications
Balan M. , Buga M. , Badea A. 2017