Articles by tag: substances
Title Authors Year
1 The Role of Risk Analysis in Control of Complex Plants' Safety Operation
Dumitrescu M. , Preda I. , Ionete R. , Carcadea E. 1999
2 Risk Assessment for Transport and Storage of Hazardous Substances
Lazar R. , Dumitrescu M. , Stefanescu I. 2001
3 Isotopic Problems in the ITS-90
Pavese F. 2001
4 Thin Plates Plastic Deformated by Impulsive Loads
Roşca A. 2004
5 The Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Gaseous and/or Solid Samples
Vremera R. , Costinel D. , Iordache A. , Ionete R. 2008
6 Chromatografic Determination of Some Secondary Metabolites in Drosera Sp
Niculescu V. , Paun N. , Tamaian R. 2009
7 Addition of Synthetic Aromas to Wine – Considerations Regarding the Detection
Vremera R. , Costinel D. , Ionete R. , Cho J. 2010
8 An Evaluation Method for Potentially Package’s Non-Fixed Radioactive Contamination in Transport of Radioactive Waste
Mihaiu R. , Vieru G. , Nistor V. 2011
9 Determination of Some Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Surface Water of Valcea County
Geana E. , Iordache A. , Saros G. , Ionete R. 2011
10 Variation of the Olt River Quality Into the Industrial Complex Area of Ramnicu Valcea
Iordache M. , Branzoi I. , Iordache I. , Popescu L. , Taralunga M. 2012
11 Physicochemical and Microbiological Characteristics of Brancoveanu, Gura Minei and Ocnita Lakes, as Repre-Sentative for the Lacustrine Complex from Ocna Sibiului
Bociu D. , Lengyel E. , Ionete R. 2012
12 Physical and Chemical Characterization of Flavored and Demy Flavored Wines from Recas Vineyard
Lengyel E. , Oprean L. , Otto K. , Iancu R. , Bociu D. , Tita O. 2012
13 The Hazardous Substance Environmental Impact in the Industrial Area of Rm. Valcea
Iordache M. , Branzoi I. , Iordache I. , Dobre N. , Totea G. 2012
14 Hazardous Substances in Water and Sediments of Olt River, Downstream from Rm. Valcea
Iordache M. , Iordache I. , Popescu L. , Costinel D. 2013
15 Spectrophotometric Techniques Used for Monitoring Food Additives – An Overview
Niculescu V. , Geana E. , Paun N. , Ionete R. , Stegarus D. 2014
16 Estimated Transfer of Volatile Organochlorine Substances in the Ecosystems Water, Sediment, Biota Using the Concept of Fugacity
Iordache M. , Popescu L. , Pascu L. , Iordache I. 2015
17 Obtaining of Spatial Formations Fullerenes Type, Made Up of Carbon Atoms, by Applying Discharges Pulsed Electric Process - EDI - Over Metallic Surfaces, with Graphite Cathode
Marin L. , Topala P. 2016
18 Current status on the modified zeolites application in wastewater depollution
Vagner I. , Varlam C. 2019
19 Remarks on the thermal properties of rocks and the treatment of geothermal waters
Asimopolos L. , Asimopolos N. , Niculescu V. , Asimopolos A. 2018