Articles by tag: heating
Title Authors Year
1 Composite Carbon - Copper with High Selectivity for Oxigen Removal
David E. , Stanciu V. , Stefanescu D. 1999
2 Comparative Study About the Behavior of Carbon Resistance Temperature Sensors at Low Temperatures
Balteanu O. , Cristescu I. , Retevoi C. 2000
3 The Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Gaseous and/or Solid Samples
Vremera R. , Costinel D. , Iordache A. , Ionete R. 2008
4 Fuel Gas from Biomass Wastes Gasification in a Free-Fall Reactor
David E. , Preda S. , Ducu C. 2010
5 Performance Tests on the Adsorption Systems for Redesign and Functioning in New Operating Conditions
Gherghinescu S. , Popescu G. , Vacaru M. 2011
6 The Role Assessment of the Catalysts Based on Metal Oxides in the Waste Biomass Gasification Process
David E. , Preda S. , Armeanu A. , Sandru C. , Mocanu D. 2013
7 Study of Inconel 718 Alloy Tested by Heat-Cycling
Velciu L. , Meleg T. , Panţîru M. , Petrescu D. , Florea V. 2016
8 Influence of the Thermal Energy Storage on the Hybrid Heating Systems' Energy Profile*
Șoimoșan T. , Felseghi R. 2016
9 Mathematical model of a heat exchanger working with different refrigerant fluids
Zabet I. , Niţă I. , Fako R. , Ţârlea G. 2019
10 Obtaining of fuel gas from catalytic conversion of residual biomass
David E. , Armeanu A. , Sandru C. , Niculescu V. 2018
11 A hybrid energy storage system and control strategy for stand-alone applications using renewable energy sources
Ciocan A. , Balan M. , Pislaru M. , Rizoiu A. , Constantin A. 2017