2018, Volume 21, Issue 2
Pages 19-28
Tritium activity on-line monitoring in the PIK reactor water coolants by using flow-through radiometer Wilma
1 NRC “Kurchatov Institute” - PNPI, Gatchina, Leningrad region, Russia
2 Pribori Oy, Moscow, Russia
*Corresponding authors: Tatiana V. Voronina, phone: 007-(81371)-46496, fax: 007-(81371)-32241, E-mail: voronina_tv@pnpi.nrcki.ru
Published: 2018
The project of PIK reactor (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute named by B.P. Konstantinov of National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute») assumes existence of continuous remote control of heavy water moderator coolant. For this purpose, an automatic flow analysis system of heavy water (AFAS HW) has been developed. An on-line water radiation monitor (flow-through radiometer) was included in this system for tritium activity measurement.
In this article, the test results of on-line water radiation monitor called Wilma are presented. The basic metrological characteristics of the device have been established. Comparative measurements were made by using heavy water control samples. Calibration of the instrument was carried out. The efficiency of tritium measurement and the stability of the work have defined. Obtained results show the applicability of Wilma to the tritium continuous remote control.
GB.C.38.541.A, No. 68030
MetroDecom, September 2017, Version V1.0
2014, United States Environmental Protection Agency, EPA / 600 / R-13/228
(OOB IR PIK), 00РКТС-033.000, 2000, Gatchina, p. 217
№16RK - 113.00М, NRC KI - PNPI, Gatchina, pp. 20
Determination of the volumetric activity of tritium in the coolants of the PIK reactor by the liquidscintillation radiometry method
Main results of Science 2015. Gatchina, pp.106
tritium, on-line water radiation monitor, AFAS HW, the PIK reactor, heavy water moderator
Tag search tritium on-line water radiation monitor AFAS HW the PIK reactor heavy water moderator


ISSN 1582-2575
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