2019, Volume 22, Issue 2
Pages 13-20
Determination of PID parameters for an LPCE process
National Research and Development Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies - ICSI Rm. Valcea, Uzinei Street no. 4, PO Box Râureni 7, 240050, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania
*Corresponding author: Mihai Vijulie, E mail: mihai.vijulie@icsi.ro
Received 17 September 2019Received in revised form 30 September 2019
Accepted 28 October 2019
Available online 20 November 2019
The hydrogen isotopes separation plants have special requests related to safety operation and avoidance of radiological fluid leakage and explosion conditions. That involves monitoring and acquisition of the process parameters, complex parameter control, as well as specific calculation for each control loop from the plant, according to the process requirements (temperatures, flows, pressures).
The system developed and described in the present paper is based on a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) platform which contains: network communication, PLCs (Programmable Logic Controller) and HMI (Human Machine Interface). The control of process parameters has been done using the functions from the embedded programmable code of the PLC’s which allows having independent or combinations of PID components: proportional/integrator/ derivative. Choosing the right control scheme and tuning PID loops corrects behavior of the system, improves the performance and leads to a safe operation of the LPCE process.
PID Controllers: Theory, Design, and Tuning, Second Edition
ISBN: 978-1-55617-516-9. Publisher: International Society of Automation
Designing Processes and Control Systems for Dynamic Performance. Second edition
New York: McGraw-Hill
ICIT activities related to tritium management
Fusion Engineering and Design, 109, 647-651. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fusengdes. 2016.02.027
Unity Pro Operating Modes 09/2017
Process, control, parameters
Tag search Process control parameters
ISSN 1582-2575
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