2004, Volume 7, Issue 13+14
Experimental Investigation in Order to Determine Catalytic Package Performances in Case of Tritium Transfer from Water to Gas
1 National Institute of R&D for Cryogenics and Isotopic Separation, Rm. Valcea
2 Romanian Academy
*Corresponding author: Anisia Bornea, e-mail: anisia@icsi.ro
Published: October 2004Abstract
The processes for hydrogen isotope separation l are very important for nuclear technology. One of the most important processes for tritium separation, is the catalyst isotope exchange water-hydrogen.
Our catalytic package consists of Romanian patented catalysts with platinum on charcoal and polytetrafluorelylene (Pt/C/PTFE) and the ordered Romanian patented package B7 type. The catalytic package was tested in an isotope exchange facility for water detritiation at the Experimental Pilot Plant from ICIT Rm. Valcea.
In a column of isotope exchange tritium is transferred from liquid phase (tritiated heavy water) in gaseous phase (hydrogen). In the experimental set-up, which was used, the column of catalytic isotope exchange is filled with successive layers of catalyst and ordered package. The catalyst consists of 95.5 wt.% of PTFE, 4.1 wt.% of carbon and 0.40 wt.% of platinum and was of Raschig rings 10x10x2 mm. The ordered package was B7 type consists of wire mesh phosphor bronze 4x1 wire and the mesh dimension is 0.18x0.48 mm.
We analyzed the transfer phenomena of tritium from liquid to gaseous phase, in this system.
The mass transfer coefficient, which characterized the isotopic exchange on the package, was determined as function of experimental parameters.
Tritium, mass transfer.
Tag search Tritium mass transfer


ISSN 1582-2575
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