Progress of Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation , ISSN: 1582-2575
2009, Volume 12, Issue 23+24

Laboratory Methods for Monitoring the Quality of Air.  Industrial Complex Study

Gili Saros , Diana Florescu , Felicia Bucura , Marius Constantinescu

National Research Institute of Cryogenics & Isotope Technologies, Rm. Valcea, Romania

*Corresponding author: Gili Saros, e-mail:

Published: June 2009


Environmental pollution is a worldwide problem. Last years researches show that industrial activities of people are the principal reason for degradation of atmosphere qualities. If we want to know the real state of atmosphere qualities will must to quantify the quantity of air pollutants.

In this project we make two year air monitoring into an industrial area, thru two methods gas-chromatography and mass spectrometry and the results are: the level of pollution is still rising.



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