Progress of Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation , ISSN: 1582-2575
2011, Volume 14, Issue 2

Construction of a Device For Compass Experiment at CERN

Laura Radulescu 1* , M. Pavelescu 2

1 “Horia Hulubei” National Institute of Nuclear Physics and Engineering, Bucharest
2 Academy of Romanian Scientists, Bucharest, Romania

*Corresponding author: Laura Radulescu, e-mail:

Published: October 2011


This paper wants to draw attention to an example of technological transfer in nuclear physics. The example will refer to Moving Table HCAL1 construction, a device used to the COMPASS (Common Muon Proton Apparatus for Structure and Spectroscopy) experiment at CERN for positioning the Hadronic Calorimeter HCAL1. The role, the concept, the design and the execution of the assembly will be described, also.

The Moving Table HCAL1 was designed to support and to position the Hadronic Calorimeter HCAL1 perpendicular to the beam. This calorimeter is a package of detectors about 4 m long, 3 m high and 1.5 m thickness and 80 t in weight. In the middle of the detectors wall there is a square window of about 1.3 m by 0.7 m size. The whole assembly, must be placed so that the deviation of the center of the window, in both directions horizontal and vertical, should be maximum 1 mm.

The description of the steps that led to the achievement of this device is intended to underline the role of technological transfer in nuclear physics.


Device for COMPASS experiment, technological transfer.

Tag search Device for COMPASS experiment technological transfer