2014, Volume 17, Issue 1
Design and Analysis Method of the WDS Tritiated Water Holding Tanks
1 National Research and Development Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies - ICSI Rm. Valcea, Uzinei Street no. 4, PO Box Râureni 7, 240050, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania
2 Subsidiary of Technology and Engineering for Nuclear Projects (CITON), 409, Atomistilor Street, Magurele, Judet Ilfov, Romania
*Corresponding author: Sebastian Brad, E-mail: sebastian.brad@icsi.ro
Published: May 2014Abstract
ITER fusion reactor will be constructed at Cadarache (France) and will be run with deuterium/tritium plasma. A Tritium Plant will be built to support ITER operations. Water Detritiation System (WDS), part of Tritium Plant, will be the installation in which will be processed the tritiated water generated in the ITER function. For WDS normal operations and accidental /incidental events, the responsible storage of tritiated water, will be the Emergency and Tritiated Water Holding Tanks. This paper present a part of the work done and the results obtained for the Detailed Design of the WDS Tritiated Water Holding Tanks, including seismic calculation and taking into account the identified interfaces, building layouts and ITER design requirements. The WDS Emergency Water Holding Tanks follow the same design methodology.
Tritium, water, tank, analysis.
Tag search Tritium water tank analysis


ISSN 1582-2575
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