Instructions for authors

General requirements 

The submitted articles for publication in Smart Energy and Sustainable Environment must be about theoretical methods, experiments, models, design, and technologies dedicated to areas of interest such as:

  • isotopes separation for fission and fusion technology
  • energy storage, hydrogen technology, and new sources of renewable energies
  • environmental protection, life quality applications, and food security
  • materials for energy and for environmental applications
  • cryogenic applications and technologies.

The journal Smart Energy and Sustainable Environment accept papers from these categories:

  • original research articles
  • review articles
  • short communications
  • letters to editors

The template for the submitted papers to be published in Smart Energy and Sustainable Environment journal is available to download from this link.

Authors submit their work in “.doc”, “.docx” or “.pdf” files, and editors make the first selection. If the papers are accepted will enter into the peer-review process.

Every article received for publication is checked for plagiarism with accredited software before being reviewed by the editors. Smart Energy and Sustainable Environment journal uses iThenticate plagiarism detection software from Turnitin. 

Submission format 

Manuscripts submitted can be editable files (e.g., Word) or PDF format. In the peer-review process, the manuscripts will be converted into PDF format. For publication will be needed to have an editable file. Correspondence between the author and editor is made by e-mail. The pictures or the graphs files larger than 20 MB must be uploaded separately. All the video and other supplementary files must also be uploaded separately. 

Authors must submit a statement with the individual roles and contributions of all, which will be added at the end of the article. Example of contributions: concepts, models, methodologies, investigations, experiments, analysis, software, interpretation and validation of results, writing, project management. No strict format is required for the submitted manuscripts but the important elements must not be missing, for example, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, experiments, results, figures, and tables. All those must be divided into clear sections. 

Authors must identify the funds that have been used to support the research and publication of the article or the case of no involvement of supporting funding. This statement will be added at the end of the article.

Changes of authors must be notified by the corresponding author(s) to the publisher(s) by email or written letter with a joint statement by all authors, including the author(s) added or deleted, stating the reason(s) and acceptance of the change. The request for change of author(s) must be made prior to publication. In special circumstances, the request for change of author(s), approved by the Editor, will be announced in a correction note.


The language accepted for the submitted manuscripts is English (American or British). 

Submission process 

The uploaded papers must have the correct format that includes the followings requirements:

  • one author must be designated corresponding author with contact details: e-mail address and full postal address;
  • keywords clearly specified;
  • has been “grammar checked” and “spell checked”;
  • all figures (with relevant captions) and tables (description/titles/footnotes) are correctly indicated in the text;
  • any other details on how to print the paper (color, resolution of figures and graphs, additional files, highlights files) must be defined with accuracy;
  • all the references mentioned in the “references list” must be cited in the text and all the references from the text must be in the “references list”;
  • was obtained the permission for use of any copyrighted materials from other sources (hardcopy or internet);
  • authors must provide a competing interests statement and disclose any financial/personal interests and relationships with other people or organizations that could interfere with or influence their research;
  • it is mandatory that the research described has not been published previously (except if it is an abstract of a published lecture or academic thesis);
  • the corresponding author can provide a statement with all author's contributions to the paper;
  • the publication policies of the journal must be carefully considered by the authors;

Please submit your contributions to the e-mail address:
The manuscripts submitted can be editable files (e.g., Word) or PDF format and in the peer-review process, the manuscripts will be converted into PDF format. Correspondence between the author and editor is made by e-mail.