1998, Volume 1, Issue 1+2
Extractia Soxhlet a fulerenelor C60 si C70 din funinginea de grafit si identificarea lor prin metoda spectroscopiei in infrarosu
1 Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Tehnologii Criogenice si Izotopice – ICSI Rm. Vâlcea
2 Laboratorul International de Supraconductibilitate si Electronica Solidulul, Chisinau, Republica Moldova
*Corresponding author: Corresponding author: Nicoleta Cojocaru, e-mail: office@ns-icsi.icsi.ro
Published: October 1998Abstract
One of the most important discovery, of the 80th 'years was the third allotropic form of carbon existence demonstration called "fullerenes".
The carbon soot obtained as a result of the graphite thermic decomposition in the controllable atmosphere contains besides C60 and C70 clusters and other higher carbon clusters.
This work has in view to separate C60 and C70 from carbon soot using Soxhlet extraction method.
After extraction, it was obtained a dark soot which was analysed using IR spectroscopy method. The results were in concordance with the theoretical data.
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ISSN 1582-2575
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