2001, Volume 4, Issue 7+8
Mathematical Modelling for Water/Hydrogen Exchange Column in a Successive System Catalyst and Ordered Package
National R&D Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies, Ramnicu Valcea
*Corresponding author: Anisia Bornea, e-mail: anisia@ns-icsi.icsi.ro
Published: October 2001Abstract
The processes for hydrogen isotope’s separation are very important for nuclear technology. One of the most important processes for tritium separation, is the catalyst isotope exchange water-hydrogen. In a column of isotope exchange tritium is transferred from liquid phase (tritiated heavy water) in gaseous phase (hydrogen). We analyzed the transfer phenomena. The mathematical model presented in the paper allowed computing experimental data for testing the catalyst performances. The transfer equations are solved using the Runge Kutta method. In this way the speed constants which characterized the isotopic exchange on the catalysis bed ks, and the distillation on the ordered package kd, were expressed as function of experimental concentrations and hydrodynamic conditions.
Catalyst isotope exchange, Runge Kutta method, and speed constants.
Tag search Catalyst isotope exchange Runge Kutta method speed constants


ISSN 1582-2575
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