2010, Volume 13, Issue 2
Preliminary Study of Traceability on the Soil-Plant-Grape Chain
National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, 67-103 Donat Str. 400293 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
*Corresponding author: D. A. Magdas, e-mail: amagdas@itim-cj.ro
Published: October 2010Abstract
This work presents a preliminary study on the carbon isotope signature on the soil-plant-grape chain. The samples were collected from two Romanian viticulture areas namely Recas and Jidvei. The soil samples were collected from three depths in order to characterize better the soil from the studied areas. The average value of the δ13C at the soil surface is around δ13C ≈ -25‰ and important differences of the δ13C values between the two studied areas were not observed. Meanwhile, differences between leaves samples collected from each studied region relived significant differences at about 1.5‰ between Feteasca Regala sort (from Jidvei) and Cabernet Sauvignon (Recas). Also differences between δ13C values of different grape sort coming from the same area were identified. We have correlated the isotopic signatures of soil, plants and grape for each area to highlight differences between these two areas from isotopic viewpoint. This is the base for our study about the traceability of the wines.
13C, soil, IRMS
Tag search 13C soil IRMS


ISSN 1582-2575
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