Progress of Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation , ISSN: 1582-2575
2010, Volume 13, Issue 1

Identification of Anthocyaninic Content from Bilberries Alcoholic Extracts

Nadia Paun , Violeta Niculescu , Radu Tamaian

National Institute for Research and Development for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies - ICIT Rm. Valcea, Uzinei Street no. 4, P.O. Box Raureni 7, 240050, Ramnicu Valcea, Romania

*Corresponding author: Nadia Paun:

Published: May 2010


Bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus) represent a rich source of phenolic compounds, especially anthocyanins, both in quantity and diversity of chemical composition. The aim of this study was to investigate Vaccinium myrtillus extracts obtained by SPE extraction. The extracts were prepared in water/methanol and water/ethanol mixtures, acidified with 0.1% HCl. The samples were analyzed by LC-MS (Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry) in order to determine anthocyaninic content of the bilberries fruits. By this method as significant variation in cyanidin, peonidin and petunidin content was determined.


Bilberry, anthocyanin, LC-MS, alcoholic extracts.

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